22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Going Global With SQL Server 2000 Beverly Sherry Program Manager Global Release Services for SQL Server Microsoft Corporation
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September 20022
3 SQL Server Setup Clean Install/Collation Upgrades/Collation
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation Collation what is it and why do we need it to support our multilingual data?
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation in SQL Server 6.5 and earlier versions No Unicode support One code page per server One collation per server
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation in SQL Server 7.0 Unicode datatypes supported Two collations –Unicode –Non-Unicode Number of collations distilled down to the minimum necessary Collation consistency across OS ’ s
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation in SQL Server 2000 Combined code pages and Unicode collations into a single entity Flexible model to specify collations at a more granular level
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September "Windows" collations 43 language collations –Added for unique code pages –Added for unique ordering Suffix meanings –_BIN (Binary) –_CI/_CS (Case sensitivity) –_AI/_AS (Accent sensitivity) –_KS - kanatype sensitivity (hiragana/katakana) –_WS - width sensitivity (full/half width)
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September SQL Collations Provided for backwards compatibility with prior versions of SQL Server
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation at four levels Server Database Column Expression
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation at the server level Acts as a default for all databases Can be changed with RebuildM.exe in the tools\BINN dir – why do you want to do this and how. Querying the server collation: SELECT CONVERT(char, SERVERPROPERTY('collation'))
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Upgrade Path Unicode datatypes in master database –DB-object metadata converted in Unicode –Sort order compatibility Scripting in Unicode Code page override. US French Korean 8.0
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Defining your data store UCS-2 Server storage Data type –Unicode NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NTEXT, META data – SYSNAME N ’ Unicode ’ –DBCS/SBCS Char, VARCHAR, text
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation at the database level Every database has a collation (default is the server collation) Create database db_test collate Latin1_General_CI_AI Collation can be changed using ALTER DATABASE SELECT CONVERT(char, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(‘db_test', 'collation'))
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collation at the column level Overrides database level collation CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id smallint IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, job_desc varchar(50) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AI_KS NOT NULL DEFAULT 'New Position - title not formalized yet', )
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Collations by Expressions SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Field1 = Field2 COLLATE Turkish_ci_ai
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September The Rules of Precedence for Collations Explicit BImplicit BDefaultNo Collation Explicit A Runtime ErrorExplicit A Implicit A Explicit BNo CollationImplicit ANo Collation Default Explicit BImplicit BDefaultNo Collation Explicit BNo Collation
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Unicode Data Flow Server OLE/DB ODBC 8.0 Client –ODBC 3.7+/OLEDB –TDS 8.0, 8.0 Netlibs support Unicode –Character data converted to/from Unicode on client (Server code page required on client) –T-SQL batches received in Unicode, parsed in Unicode on Server. Netlib ODS SQL Server Application Netlib Downlevel client –DBLIB, ODBC <3.7 clients –TDS 4.2 –T-SQL batch received in DBCS/ANSI code page of the client –Translated to Unicode using the Server code page on the Server DB-LibODBC Application Netlib TDS 8.0 TDS 4.2
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Data Flow ODBC client to server Language event is always in Unicode Client ACP to Unicode to server ‘ A ’ - Unicode to server character set N ‘ A ’ as Unicode SQL_C_CHAR CHAR Unicode Svr CHAR Client side conversion char SQL_C_CHAR NCHAR SYSNAME Unicode SQL_C_CHAR CHAR bytes NO TRANSLATION ACP SQL_C_WCHAR CHAR Unicode Svr CHAR cha r ClientServer
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Data Flow OLEDB to server: –SSPROP_INIT_AUTOTRANSLATE as VARIANT_TRUE Server code page on the client DBTYPE_STR CHAR Unicode Svr CHAR Client side conversion char DBTYPE_STR NCHAR SYSNAME Unicode DBTYPE_STR CHAR bytes VARIANT_FALSE ACP CHAR Unicode Svr CHAR char ClientServerDBTYPE_WSTR
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September NET Providers
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Data Access International T-SQL –NCHAR and N ’’ –No name strings in date/time –ODBC timestamp –CONVERT with specific style
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Data flow Data Transformation ….. OLE DB ODBC Fixed field ASCII delimited OLE DB ODBC Fixed field ASCII delimited HTML page Repl. publication DTS Data Pump Xforms Source Destination InOut Steps
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Client Flow Session language syslanguages –Precedence Set by ‘ set language ’ Set by connection attribute Set by user record in syslogins –Cultural behavior Language of error messages Date format, month name Day of week and abbreviations
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September BCP –bcp -w : Performs bulk copy operation using Unicode characters. –bcp -N : Performs the bulk copy operation using the native (database) data types of the data for non-character data, and Unicode characters for character data.
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September XML You can specify an output encoding in a URL. XML templates can specify an encoding. Unicode by default
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Full text Allows for word or phrase-based indexing of character data. Full-text indexing enables the creation and population of the full-text catalogs, which are maintained outside of SQL Server and managed by the Microsoft Search service. Full-text search uses the new Transact-SQL predicates (CONTAINS, CONTAINSTABLE, FREETEXT, and FREETEXTTABLE) to query these populated full-text catalogs. With a full-text query, you can perform –A linguistic search of character data in tables enabled for full-text search. –A linguistic search operates on words and phrases unlike the LIKE predicate which is used to search character patterns. Manipulate to get what you want
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Tools Manageability Unicode based –SQL-DMO
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Tools Web Assistant
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Backup and Restore Restore uses the collation of the source databases Verify the collation is support on the instance of SQL Server
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Replication Publisher Distributor Updating Subscriber (immediate updates) 2PC, RPC Subscriber Subscriber
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Analysis Services OLAP Server OLEDB, ADO, XML/A Client Tier MD ActiveX Controls MD ActiveX Controls MD Extension to OLE DB MD Extension to OLE DB Office 2000 Interfaces Office 2000 Interfaces 3rd Party Clients 3rd Party Clients OLAP Server Tier Multidimensional data modeling and calculation engine calculation engine Persistent multidimensional cache OLEDB / ODBC
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Unicode Data Flow in Fringe Areas Script usage –Command line tools ISQL utility does not support Unicode input files. OSQL -u (Specifies that output_file is stored in Unicode format). –Query analyzer, save as Unicode / ANSI / OEM.
22nd International Unicode Conference San Jose, CA September Resources International Features in Microsoft SQL Server Arabic Language Support in Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server Books On Line