Lord God, you have loved us first in order that we may love you. You have no need of our love, but we were not able to reach the goal that you have given us that of loving you…
You have spoken by the Son, your Word. For you, to speak by your Son is nothing more than to make us see with a burst how much and how you have loved us, since you have not spared your own Son…
All that He has done, all that He has said on earth, even to the oppressed and disgraced, even to spittle and slaps on the face even to the cross and the sepulcher this was nothing other than your Word spoken by your Son, a word which was provoking us to love… since we were unable to be saved except by loving you. William of Saint-Thierry, 12th Century The Contemplation of God
T he events of sacred History touch us hard. They teach us who we are and who God is, and the events of the history of humanity as those of our own life are, a holy history.
That which is demanded of us, this is not first to understand them, nor to accept the unacceptable, it is to read in looking on the Cross. Such is the message of the liturgy of today which makes us enter into the desire of Christ: that we believe in Him.
The readings of this Sunday show that our path to Easter, as our path of life, is not a straight line. One encounters obstacles there, one experiences falls there, one has the occasion to overcome many difficulties.
In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to choose the light. And in the second reading, Saint Paul tells us gain the force of faith: by the grace of God, we are saved; he is rich in mercy that we have nothing to fear, the essential is to follow the path that Christ has traced for us.
It is necessary that the Son of Man raised…. By your cross first, you will be raised; but finally and especially, it is by your resurrection and your ascension that you will know this elevation.
You bring us liberty, the truth, that of the Children of God. You raise us with you, you put us back first, in to a state of marching…
Blessed are you Lord. Teach us to follow you ! Help us to say with you: It is necessary … that I love right to the end !