POLLEN, SEEDS, AND PLANT REPRODUCTION The pollen in the core in lab The geography and ecology of the pollens Pollen’s role in reproduction
The common pollens in the Lilypad Pond core birch oak pine spruce beech hemlock fir larch
The conifer pollens in the Lilypad Pond Core pine spruce fir larch hemlock
Pine pollen coating the surface of Lake Champlain
Pine pollen in hand.
Pollen Cones on a pine tree
pollen cones POLLEN AND SEED CONES OF A PINE Seed cones
eastern white pine - Pinus strobus
black spruce - Picea mariana
balsam fir - Abies balsamea
These conifers occupy vertical zones in Vermont today… Spruce-fir, above 2500’ Beech-birch-maple, below 2500’
POLLEN, SEEDS, AND PLANT REPRODUCTION The pollen in the core in lab The geography and ecology of the pollens Pollen’s role in reproduction
The conifer pollens in the Lilypad Pond Core pine spruce fir larch hemlock
Pine pollen is designed to be blown into the interior of pine cones Karl Niklas
And the different grains are each designed for their own cone pine spruce fir