RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd1 RBSP Instrument/Suite Name Critical Design Review PI
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd2 Instrument/Suite Name CDR Agenda TopicPresenterStart TimeDuration Introductions & Meeting Logistics Chairman’s Remarks Program Manager Remarks Science Overview Systems Engineering Subsystem n Design (ex. Detectors) Subsystem n+1 Design (ex. FPGA) Controller Electronics Software Mechanical Packaging/Structural Design Thermal Design Mechanisms Power System (LVPS/HVPS) GSE
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd3 Instrument/Suite Name CDR Agenda TopicPresenterStart TimeDuration Reliability Engineering Radiation Engineering/Modeling EMI/EMC analysis Assembly, I&T Calibration Verification Instrument Operations Systems Assurance Development Status Risk Status Documentation Status Summary Review Board Caucus Review Board Debrief/RFA Review
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd4 Instrument/Suite Name Team 1-2 pages Organization chart of the instrument/suite team members –Include team member roles –Include any key partners, subcontractors or major suppliers –Highlight major changes since PDR
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Entrance Criteria/Objectives 1-2 pages List entrance criteria/objectives for the I-CDR RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd5
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name CDR Success Criteria 1-2 pages List Success Criteria for the I-CDR as provided by the Project RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd6
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd7 Instrument/Suite Name Science Overview 3-4 pages List of the major science objectives allocated to the instrument and the resulting instrument performance requirements and specifications –List the major requirements that drive the instrument design and give their parent (usually STARD). –This may be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix –Describe any changes to science requirements since PDR –Describe any non-conformances in instrument performance
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Space Weather Support will broadcast data in real-time as part of the RBSP mission support of space weather modeling, forecast and prediction efforts Particle Count Rates (electrons/ions/protons) Energy # particle species per # spins#polar (spin plane) angles #az angles #values#bits/ value Data Product Report Rate (bps): e.g. > 2 MeV (TBR) Notes: All values reported once per spin, except ……… Total bit rate: XX bps. Magnetic/Electric Field/Wave Power/Plasma Density #values#bits/ value Data Product Report Rate (bps): e.g. 1 3D vector sample (3 components) or Tables can be provided by Nicky if necessary RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd8
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd9 Instrument/Suite Name Instrument Overview 1-2 pages General description of the instrument to the level of the major subsystems. –Block diagram of the total instrument –Serves as an introduction to the detailed presentations to follow
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd10 Instrument/Suite Name Systems Engineering 5-7 pages List major instrument/suite performance requirements trace to the major subsystems –Include their parent requirement –May be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix –Describe any requirements changes since PDR –Include relevant document numbers and their release status Design description and top level specifications –Electrical and thermal instrument and components performance REQUIREMENTS –Software architecture and design –Mechanical design and analyses –Grounding diagram Mechanical and electrical interface requirements with other subsystems –Status of Instrument ICD (address any outstanding TBDs) –Instrument specification documentation status –Subsystem specification status –Status of any pending ECRs (engineering change requests) Resource requirements –Table of mass and power for the components –Commanding and housekeeping telemetry requirements –Power services required –Margins –Other
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd11 Instrument/Suite Name Systems Engineering - continue Describe your approach to “worst case” or “defensive” design principles. Items to consider: –the design’s response to spurious and out-of- specification inputs –the extremes of operation –performance and failure mode behavior Environmental design and test requirements Summary of drawings –Number of drawings required to build the FM instrument –Status of drawings Instrument Performance –Describe any known shortcomings in instrument performance relative to known science requirements Identify any Long-Lead Time procurements not discussed in subsystem presentations
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd12 Instrument/Suite Name Peer Reviews Held Since I-PDR 1-2 pages List of Peer Reviews held since I-PDR (include requirements & design); more detailed info presented in each appropriate section Peer Review Name Date Held Reviewers# of A/I# of A/I closed # of A/I open
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd13 Instrument/Suite Name Technical Changes since I-PDR 1-2 pages Give each change (recommend table below). –Give reason for change and provide impact, as appropriate, on resources of mass, power, size, telemetry, cost and schedule. Change since I-PDRReason for ChangeImpact on Resources
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd14 Instrument/Suite Name Lessons Learned from Previous Missions 1 page Summarize any applicable lessons learned from previous missions…. If you have no lessons learned, be prepared to say you’ve reviewed them as applicable to your instrument/suite
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd15 Subsystem Name (ex. Detector System) Design Description 6-8 pages ; Subsystem design description, including List major subsystem performance requirements –Include their parent requirement –May be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix –Describe any changes in requirements or implementation since I-PDR Block diagram(s) Subsystem design description and top level specifications –Electrical and thermal subsystem design –Software architecture and design (if applicable) –Mechanical design and analyses –Design and performance margins –Discuss any changes since I-PDR Major mechanical and electrical interface requirements with other subsystems/components and how these are captured (mechanical ICD, electrical ICD, other?) Resource requirements –Table of mass and power for the components –Commanding and housekeeping telemetry requirements –Power services required –Other Breadboard/Engineering Model Testing –Status of testing –Approach to subsystem testing –Summarize tests –Results Describe ground handling Results of special parts testing, as applicable Results of packaging studies, show shielding plans
ADD LOGO HERE Subsystem Name (ex. Detector System - continued) Design Description Subsystem Verification –Plans for subsystem performance verification –Changes to plans for system verification since I-PDR –Status of any interface verification Subsystem Peer Reviews –Summary description of any subsystem peer reviews –Status of the action items (tabular format ok with list of actions items in backup) Discuss schedule for development/procurement Describe any changes planned from the EM to the FM Subsystem risks with mitigation plan and trigger dates per risk Describe any open work relative to design work yet incomplete –Include discussion of major component procurements –Include any major subcontracted fabrication activities Describe any special fabrication or test facility needs Drawing release status Parts/Materials PMPCB approval status –Include derating results Waivers sought against requirements Supporting the presentation (available hard copy in the room and electronically) –As-designed parts list with any parts requiring special screening identified –As-designed materials & processes list –Drawings (schematics, board artwork, assembly drawings) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd16
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd17 Subsystem Name (ex. FPGA) Design Description 6-8 pages ; Subsystem design description, including List major FPGA performance requirements –Include their parent requirement –May be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix –Describe any changes in requirements or implementation since I-PDR Block diagram(s) FPGA design description and top level specifications –Electrical and thermal subsystem design –Software architecture and design (if applicable) –Design and performance margins –Discuss any changes since I-PDR Major interface requirements with other subsystems/components and how these are captured (mechanical ICD, electrical ICD, other?) Resource requirements –Table of mass and power for the components –Commanding and housekeeping telemetry requirements –Power services required –Other Breadboard/Engineering Model Testing –Status of testing –Approach to subsystem testing –Summarize tests –Results Describe ground handling
ADD LOGO HERE Subsystem Name (ex. FPGA - continued) Design Description FPGA Verification –Plans for FPGA performance verification –Changes to plans for FPGA verification since I-PDR –Status of any interface verification FPGA Peer Reviews –Summary description of any FPGA peer reviews –Status of the action items (tabular format ok with list of actions items in backup) Discuss schedule for development Describe any changes planned from the EM to the FM FPGA risks with mitigation plan and trigger dates per risk Describe any open work relative to design work yet incomplete Describe any special assembly or test facility needs Drawing release status Waivers sought against requirements Supporting the presentation (available hard copy in the room and electronically) –Drawings (schematics, board artwork, assembly drawings) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd18
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd19 Controller Electronics Design Description 6-8 pages List major controller electronics performance requirements –Include their parent requirement –May be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix –Describe any changes in requirements or implementation since I-PDR Block diagram(s) Controller electronics design description and top level specifications –Electrical and thermal subsystem design –Software architecture and design (if applicable) –Mechanical design and analyses –Design and performance margins –Discuss any changes since I-PDR Major mechanical and electrical interface requirements with other subsystems/components and how these are captured (mechanical ICD, electrical ICD, other?) Resource requirements –Table of mass and power for the components –Commanding and housekeeping telemetry requirements –Power services required –Other Breadboard/Engineering Model Testing –Status of testing –Approach to subsystem testing –Summarize tests –Results including any problems identified Describe ground handling Results of special parts testing, as applicable Results of packaging studies, show shielding plans
ADD LOGO HERE Controller Electronics - continued Design Description Controller Electronics Verification –Plans for controller electronics performance verification –Changes to plans for system verification since I-PDR –Status of any interface verification Controller Electronics Peer Reviews –Summary description of any controller electronics peer reviews –Status of the action items (tabular format ok with list of actions items in backup) Discuss schedule for development/procurement Describe any changes planned from the EM to the FM Controller Electronics risks with mitigation plan and trigger dates per risk Describe any open work relative to design work yet incomplete –Include discussion of major component procurements –Include any major subcontracted fabrication activities Describe any special fabrication or test facility needs Drawing release status Parts/Materials PMPCB approval status –Include environmental worthiness of EEE components –Derating results Waivers sought against requirements Radiation worthiness (both total dose and SEE) Supporting the presentation (available hard copy in the room and electronically) –As-designed parts list with any parts requiring special screening identified –As-designed materials & processes list –Drawings (schematics, board artwork, assembly drawings) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd20
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd21 Controller Software Design Description See template previously distributed by G. Heiligman
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd22 Mechanical Packaging & Structural Design Description 6-8 pages: Structural/Mechanical design description, including Design description, with a complete and comprehensive definition of the entire design. Requirements and design changes since PDR and rationale Analyses are completed for mechanical/structural loads, stress, dynamics, fracture control, and torque margins & venting, thermal environment, including predicted performance and margins –If applicable, finite element model demonstrating structural integrity of the housing under launch loads –Analyses down to board level for electronics Presentation on all analysis margins Presentation of all required mechanical GSE design Combined optical, thermal and mechanical budgets (specifically internal alignment plans) Surface coating Interface control documents (ICDs) formally released for subsystems Final implementation plans, including engineering models, prototypes, flight units, and spares. Include any changes planned from EM to FM
ADD LOGO HERE Mechanical Packaging & Structural Design Description - continued Engineering model/breadboard test results and design margins Mechanisms qualification Completed detailed design with bulk (~75%) of drawings signed off and ready for fabrication. (Drawings available.) Completed (or near completion) Materials Identification List (MIL) including procured components Brief report on fabrication plans and any items of concern for fabrication (possibly a report from an FFR, or a plan for one) Fabrication, Assembly, Integration and Test plan/procedure at instrument level, including a detailed handling plan. Include purge requirements Ground and in-flight calibration plans and their impact on mechanical alignments and I&T Environmental test plans and test flow with test verification matrix Integration and Environmental Test plans at observatory level –Include LV operation requirements (pre fairing install, shipping, erection, and at pad) –Purge requirements while on LV RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd23
ADD LOGO HERE Mechanical Packaging & Structural Design Description - continued Mass report on margins, bottoms up mass stack-up reported Presentation on mechanical risks (if any) to instrument delivery Plans for shipping containers, environmental control, and transportation & logistics Waivers sought against requirements RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd24
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd25 Thermal Design Description 4-6 pages Thermal design description, including –List of instrument thermal requirements –Description of implementation of thermal requirements –Final design for the instrument thermal control –Implementation plan –Expected performance and margins –Plans for thermal verification –Plans for acquisition of any MLI, heaters or special surface finishes (paints, germanium black kapton, etc.)
ADD LOGO HERE Mechanisms Design Description 6-9 pages Design description, with a complete and comprehensive definition of the entire release or deployment mechanisms used for the instrument. Requirements and design changes since PDR and rationale Implementation plans Presentation on all design and analysis margins Plans for verification Discuss any peer reviews conducted since the PDR EM testing and analysis shall be presented, including life tests if applicable. Safing philosophy shall be presented to verify that the mechanism will not deploy unexpectedly. Any heritage based information on similar mechanisms should also be presented. Test and validation plans specific to mechanisms should be presented. Plans for verification of release and/or deployment shall be presented. RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd26
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd27 Power System - LVPS Design Description 6-9 pages Low voltage power supply system final design description, including –List major performance requirements for the low voltage power systems include their parent requirement may be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix Include performance margins Include environmental Include magnetic cleanliness requirements Include EMI/EMC requirements –Block diagram(s) –Power system design description and top level specifications –Describe of the power supplies topology, circuit margins, packaging and thermal management –Interface requirements with other subsystems/components and how these are captured (ICD, other?) –Resource requirements Table of mass and power for the components Other –Resource margins –Breadboard/Engineering Model Testing Summarize tests Results Current status –Implementation plans –Work remaining to be done –Verification plans
ADD LOGO HERE Power System - LVPS Design Description - continued –Results of special parts testing, as applicable –Results of packaging studies, show shielding plans –Plans for testing –LVPS Peer Reviews Summary description of any LVPS peer reviews since PDR Status of the action items (tabular format ok with list of actions items in backup) –Packaging of the LVPS Include any thermal analyses related to the packaging –Plans for EMI and ESD protection –Current status of EEE component procurements –Status of any custom magnetics development or any special screening imposed on a DC/DC converter supplier –Discuss any special protection circuits (input over voltage, short circuit protection and any internal failure detection/recovery circuits) Supporting the presentation –As-designed parts list with any parts requiring special screening identified –Schematics, assembly drawings, printed wiring board layout drawings RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd28
ADD LOGO HERE Power System - HVPS Design Description 6-9 pages High voltage power supply system final design description, including –List major performance requirements for the high voltage power systems include their parent requirement may be best presented in a table as a compliance matrix Include performance margins Include environmental Include magnetic cleanliness requirements Include EMI/EMC requirements Discuss any requirements changes since PDR –Block diagram(s) –Power system design description and top level specifications –Describe of the power supplies topology, circuit margins, packaging and thermal management –Interface requirements with other subsystems/components and how these are captured (ICD, other?) –Resource requirements Table of mass and power for the components Other –Resource margins –Breadboard/Engineering Model Testing Summarize tests Results Current status RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd29
ADD LOGO HERE Power System - HVPS Design Description - continued –Implementation plans Include any implementation plans since PDR –Work remaining to be done –Verification plans –Results of special parts testing, as applicable –Results of packaging studies, show shielding plans Discuss E-field analysis performed on the design of the HVPS packaging Plans for packaging Include any thermal analyses related to the packaging –Plans for testing –HVPS Peer Reviews Summary description of any HVPS peer reviews since PDR Status of the action items (tabular format ok with list of actions items in backup) –Plans for EMI and ESD protection –Current status of EEE component procurements –Status of any custom magnetics development or any special screening imposed on a DC/DC converter supplier –Discuss any special protection circuits (input over voltage, short circuit protection and any internal failure detection/recovery circuits) –Discuss safety, air-safe operation and enable/disable interfaces and control Supporting the presentation –As-designed parts list with any parts requiring special screening identified –Schematics, assembly drawings, printed wiring board layout drawings RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd30
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd31 Instrument/Suite Name GSE 2-4 pages GSE design description, including –EGSE and MGSE requirements and implementation associated with the GSE –EGSE software including requirements, design and verification of EGSE software –Instrument purge equipment –Instrument shipping container –Slings or other special fixtures needed to mount and align the instrument
ADD LOGO HERE Reliability Engineering 1-2 pages Discuss any feedback/results of required instrument to spacecraft FMEA analysis (analysis performed by the Project) Identify any limited life items Discuss any ongoing reliability engineering work Any special reliability concerns shall be presented along with mitigation plans. Discuss GSE FMEA analysis results RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd32
ADD LOGO HERE Radiation Modeling 1-2 pages Present the final modeling results for radiation effects Discuss requirements, implementation, margins and plans for verification to meet the radiation requirements in the RBSP EDTRD. Present any special radiation concerns along with mitigation plans. RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd33
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd34 EMI/EMC Requirement Design Description 2-3 pages Electromagnetic interference/compatibility requirements description as defined in the EMECP, including –Requirements –Specifications –Implementation –Margins –Description of design mitigations to meet the requirements –Description of testing to be performed to verify compliance –Description of when the testing will take place –Present any special EMI/EMC concerns along with mitigation plans
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd35 Assembly, I&T Description 5-7 pages Assembly, I&T description, including –Flow chart(s) showing plans for the assembly, integration, functional and environmental testing (EMI, vibration, thermal balance, thermal vacuum, etc.), and calibration –Major milestones in the I&T flow –Description of any cleanliness requirements imposed on the mission by the instrument as well as any special facilities needed –Instrument alignment requirements and plans for verification of alignment –Purge requirements and plans for maintaining purge –Expected number of operating hours on the instrument at launch –Identify any special facilities –Discuss any risks including mitigation plans
ADD LOGO HERE Calibration 2-4 pages Detailed discussion of plans for instrument calibration –facilities planned for calibration –range of parameters over which the instrument will be calibrated –any shortcomings to the calibration that bring into question the ability of the instrument to meet its mission science requirements RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd36
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd37 Instrument/Suite Name Verification Plans 2-4 page Describe the process for verifying all instrument interfaces (hardware & software), resources, form factor, performance and operations, environmental worthiness, and science performance requirements Discuss verification of internal redundancy (if applicable) Complete I&T plans and the I&T schedule shows credible task durations. Describe test plans, Provide test flow Present a verification cross reference matrix ( It is expected that every verifiable element identified in the instrument specification document will be linked to a verification requirement. ) Discuss any time-phased verification closure plans Discuss any verification activities which must be closed prior to flight hardware fabrication (design verification)
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Verification Plans - continued Final design of all electrical GSE and special test requirements and facilities Plan for mechanical GSE, shipping containers and environmental control for the selected mode of transportation Supporting information available: –A verification plan exists (including science performance/calibration) that shows traceability from subsystem to system level. RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd38
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd39 Flight Operations Description 2-4 pages Describe the flight operations including –key elements of the instrument ground system that allows the operation of the instrument –command definitions and critical housekeeping telemetry definitions –commanding path and telemetry data –concept of operations for command and data handling of your instrument during the commissioning phase of the mission as well as normal operations shall be presented. Define all roles and responsibilities for the operations with signed ICDs available (if applicable) –Include plans for flight operations staffing
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd40 Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance 6-9 page Identify performance assurance team and show organizational structure Describe flow down of performance assurance requirements Describe Performance Assurance Matrix Status –Identify any exceptions and status of exceptions Identify any waiver requests and status of approval Waiver No. TitleDescription Requirement Source Waiver Approval Authority Risk (High, Med, Low) Status
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued System Safety –Discuss status of inputs to the Missile System Prelaunch Safety Package (MSPSP) –Discuss the instrument’s safety plan –Identify any safety hazards along with methods for controlling them –Discuss status of System Safety CDRLs RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd41 TitleCDRL #Due DateStatus Safety Data Inputs (MSPSP) - InterimMA B30 DB I-CDR Safety Data Inputs (MSPSP) - BaselineMA C90 DB I-PSR
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Reliability –Discuss results of the instrument to spacecraft FMEA performed by the Project –Discuss results of the instrument to GSE FMEAs performed –Discuss results of Worst Case Analysis –Discuss status of reliability CDRLs RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd42 TitleCDRL #Due DateStatus Performance Assurance Matrix - UpdateMA C03/30/09 Inputs for FMEA - BaselineMA B60 DB I-CDR GSE Interface FMEA - PreliminaryMA A60 DB I-CDR GSE Interface FMEA - BaselineMA A 20 days after receipt of comments from APL on prelim. Limited Life Item List - BaselineMA B30 DB I-CDR As-Designed Parts ListMA B60 DB I-CDR
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Critical Suppliers –Describe procurement process including flow down of requirements –Identify critical supplier (if applicable) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd43 Critical Part Selected Supplier Supplier Approval Status Supplier Site Visit Heritage
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Parts –EEE parts selection and screening plans –Plans for selection and qualification of special items such as detectors and mechanisms –Discuss status of Parts Identification List (PIL) –Discuss status of Parts Stress Analysis (have analyses available if requested) –Discuss PMPCB review/approval status RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd44 TitleCDRL #Due DateStatus As-Designed Parts ListMA B60 DB I-CDR Parts CE Approval Radiation Engineering Approval Screening/ Qual Approval PMPCB ApprovalTOTAL EEE PartsEnter qty DetectorsEnter qty ASICsEnter qty HybridsEnter qty
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Materials and Processes –Materials selection and screening plans –Discuss any special processes needed to build the instrument –Discuss status of Material Identification List (MIL) –Discuss PMPCB review/approval status RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd45 TitleCDRL #Due DateStatus As-Designed Materials & Processes ListSE B30 DB I-CDR M&P Category Acceptable Qualified Acceptable Conditional Acceptable Not Acceptable Not Yet Evaluated TOTAL Non- Metallic Materials Enter qty Metallic Materials Enter qty ProcessesEnter qty
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Limited Life Items –Indentify limited life items (if applicable) and status RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd46 Item System Affected Limit/ Expected Life Reason for Limited Life Required Life Duty Cycles How Addressed/ Rationale for Selection Example: EEPROM Program/ Erase Program/eras e cycles limited to 10,000 cycles Manufacturer specification Anticipate well under 100 cycles Derate devices, track cycles through ground operations and in flight
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Software Assurance –Describe software assurance requirements –Discuss software assurance activities and plans Configuration Management –Discuss configuration management requirements –Describe configuration management process being used –Discuss flight drawing status –Estimated release date of all mechanical drawings: –Estimated release date of all electrical drawings: RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd47 DrawingsTotalReleased Complete but not released Designed, not drawn Not designed Mechanical # (%) Electrical # (%)
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Contamination Control –Discuss contamination control and ESD requirements –Describe contamination control and ESD plan –Identify any special contamination control needs for your instrument/suite during instrument I&T and during spacecraft I&T Work Order Travelers –Describe your process for developing, approving, use, and archiving work order travelers –Discuss status of work order traveler development Inspection Flow –Describe the inspection process What is the process if an anomaly is observed? What activities will SQA be required to witness/verify Identify Project-APL mandatory inspection points Where are inspection results recorded? RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd48
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Systems Assurance - continued Nonconformance Process –Describe the nonconformance process –Discuss any nonconformances already incurred Problem / Failure Reporting Process –Describe problem/failure reporting process –Discuss the method to be used for tracking PFRs –Discuss the method to be used for reporting PFRs per the Project requirements Material Review Board Process –Describe MRB process –Discuss minimum MRB membership –Describe APL’s (Project) role in the instrument MRBs GIDEP Status –List any pending GIDEP/NASA Alert open issues and status of resolution RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd49
ADD LOGO HERE Programmatics/Development Status 6-8 slides Should include (in the following pages): –Performance to date Use of schedule reserve Use of reserve funds Cost/performance summary (can use EVM statistics) –Schedule moving forward (including critical path) Include % of total remaining tasks on critical path Include path closest to critical path and how far off the critical path it is –Cost plan summary moving forward –Long lead items status (including detectors) Top level evidence that you have a realistic schedule with sufficient cost that can complete the instrument delivery and support post delivery APL can help with the charts in the following pages if information is provided beyond the EVM/533 reports RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd50
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd51 Instrument/Suite Name Risk Status 2-3 pages Describe risk status, including –5x5 risk matrix –Stop light chart showing instrument risks, consequences and likelihood –Risk mitigation plans with associated implementation dates –Threats and liens
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd52 Instrument/Suite Name Development Status 1 page Describe development status, including –Project schedule showing critical path, schedule reserves and margins
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued –Present the following metrics with respect to the Phase C/D baseline schedule (can use charts): Schedule reserve burn plan vs actual RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd53
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued Progress Milestones (Monthly count of completed milestones: plan vs. actual; discrete and cumulative) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd54
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued Contract Milestones (Monthly count of completed milestones: plan vs. actual; discrete and cumulative) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd55
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued Drawing releases (Monthly count of completed drawing releases: plan vs. actual; discrete and cumulative) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd56
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued Parts kit need date (Monthly count of parts kits needed: plan vs. actual; discrete and cumulative) RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd57
ADD LOGO HERE Instrument/Suite Name Development Status - continued –Long lead item status –List of threats to the schedule and schedule risk mitigation plans –Trends in the schedule performance of the team such as the gain or loss of float along the critical path RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd58
ADD LOGO HERE Success Criteria CDR Content Requirements Addressed CDR Content RequirementAddressed Evidence of Compliance The detailed design is expected to meet the requirements with adequate margins at an acceptable level of risk. Interface control documents are sufficiently matured to proceed with fabrication, assembly, integration, and test, and plans are in place to manage any open items. High confidence exists in the product baseline, and adequate documentation exists or will exist in a timely manner to allow proceeding with fabrication, assembly, integration, and test. The product verification and product validation requirements and plans are complete. The testing approach is comprehensive, and the planning for system assembly, integration, test, and launch site and mission operations is sufficient to progress into the next phase. Adequate technical and programmatic margins and resources exist to complete the development within budget, schedule, and risk constraints. RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd59
ADD LOGO HERE Success Criteria CDR Content Requirements Addressed CDR Content RequirementAddressed Evidence of Compliance Risks to success are understood and credibly assessed, and plans and resources exist to effectively manage them. Safety and mission assurance (e.g., safety, reliability, maintainability, quality, and EEE parts) have been adequately addressed in system and operational designs, and any applicable S&MA products (e.g., PRA, system safety analysis and failure modes and effects analysis) have been approved. RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd60
RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd61 Instrument/Suite Backup
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd62 Instrument/Suite Name Summary of Documentation Status 1 page Give a list of your documents and their release status –Include requirements docs –Specs –Limited life item list –Other matrix required documents –CDRL status
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd63 Documents to be available at CDR Deliverable documents to be available at the review (delivery due date prior to the review – see CDRL) –Instrument Requirements Document – baseline (SE C) –Deviations/Waivers (CM ) –Performance Assurance Matrix – update (MA C) –GSE Interface FMEA – baseline (MA A) –Limited Life Items List – baseline (MA B) –As-Designed Parts List (MA B) –Spares List – baseline (MS ) –Long Lead Items List – as applicable (MS ) –CMD/TLM Definitions – preliminary (SE B) –Instrument User’s Manual Information – preliminary (SE A) –As-Designed Materials and Processes List – (SE B) –Software Requirements Document – baseline (SW B) –Software Integration, Verification and Test Plans – preliminary (SW-005) –Instrument Verification & Validation Plan – preliminary (TE A) –Test Plan Inputs for S/C I&T – baseline (TE B) –Instrument Test and Calibration Plan – preliminary (TE A) Available documents at the review –Indentured Drawing List – baseline (CM B) –Top Level Assembly Drawing – baseline (CM B) –Drawings & Schematics – baseline (CM B) –Instrument to spacecraft ICD - draft (SE D) –Contamination Control Plan (SE-008) –Subsystem Interface Control Documents
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd64 Instrument/Suite Name Peer Review Action Item Summary Requirements Peer Review (fill in table) AI NumberStatementResponseClosure date, if not closed Pre-CDR Peer Review (fill in table) AI NumberStatementResponseClosure date, if not closed
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd65 Instrument/Suite Name Design Trades 1-2 pages ….fill in table Design Trades completed since I-PDR Trade number Trade DescriptionResult
ADD LOGO HERE RBSP-instrument name CDR yyyy-mm-dd66 Instrument/Suite Name more backup More backup slides as required