Cell Organelles Found in Plant and Animal Cells Cell membrane Nucleus Nucleolus Mitochonria Ribosomes Lysosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi Body Cilia and Flagella
Eukaryotic Animal Cell Nucleus Nucleolus Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Bound Ribosomes Golgi Bodies Mitochondria Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nuclear Membrane Centrioles Missing organelles: lysosomes Free Ribosomes
Plant Cell Cell Membrane Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall Nucleolus Nucleus Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi Bodies Mitochondria Ribosomes Cytoplasm
Cell Membrane Controls what leaves and enters the cell
Nucleus & Nucleolus Nucleus holds the chromosomes (DNA) Nucleolus is the place where ribosomes are made nucleolus Chromosome
Mitochondria Breaks down glucose to make energy (cellular respiration)
Ribosomes Makes protein
Lysosomes Contains chemicals that breakdown molecules coming into the cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum Used for transportation within the cell
Golgi Body Package proteins that are leaving the cell
Cilia and Flagella Used for cell movement
Organelles found ONLY in ANIMAL CELLS Centrioles Vesicles
Centrioles Used for cell division
Vesicles Stores nutrients in cell
Organelles found ONLY in PLANT CELLS Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall
Vacuole Stores water in plant cell
Chloroplast Where photosynthesis takes place
Cell Wall Provides protection and support for plant