1. Digital Orthophoto (Aerial Imagery) 2. Section wise Tax Maps 3. Tax roll database 4. Subdivision Plat Maps 5. Legal description database of properties
Shape files of ◦ Parcels Polygon with APN as attribute ◦ Parcel and frontage dimensions ◦ Road and Railroad names Geo-referenced images Errata notes Discrepancy report Final AutoCAD file with all deliverable features
1. Parcels from Tax Map (Best Fit to Ortho) 2. Parcels from Subdivision and Survey Plan using COGO. 3. Parcels from Legal Description using COGO method.
Tax MapDigital File Parcels shown by Green color in Digital file are the parcels which are created using Tax Map as reference. These parcels are created by the dimensions available on the Tax Map and then fit those parcels to the Aerial Imagery.
Tax MapDigital File Area shown in Red color in Digital file is subdivision area. Parcels from the subdivision plat are digitized using COGO method.
Tax MapDigital File Many parcels were drawn using the Legal description of the database. These parcels are mostly from Platted Areas (shown in Red color in Digital file). The Metes and bounds of the properties are used from the legal to map these parcels using COGO method.
COGO Parcels Count = Percentage = 44% BFTO Parcels Count = Percentage = 56%
COGO Mapping tool developed by Genesys Tool generated to facilitate the proper APN assignment to the parcel after digitizing it using legal description. Draw / Check the tangential centerlines for road profile. Tool used to search and merge the parcels with the same APN to form it multipart.
Started the project as per BFTO method Find difficulties to map the parcel boundaries for urban / city areas. Raised the query regarding additional inputs or Subdivision Maps. Got the resolution as a link for Subdivision Maps to view these maps. Completed and delivered the shape files with the help of all the available inputs.
Working with different clients for Parcel Mapping, the inputs of each State/County might differ from the other. But still, they could be grouped as follows for the efforts required 1.Tax Map, CAMA Database and Aerial Imagery 2.Subdivision/Survey Plan, Legal description database and Aerial Imagery 3.Deed documents, CAMA Database with necessary information such as street addresses for accurate location of the parcel and Aerial Imagery