Reading Strategies By: Mrs. Berry
Tabs on your foldable Predict/Infer Monitor/Clarify Phonics/Decoding (Think About Words) Question Evaluate Summarize
Monitor/Clarify Keep track of what you are reading Think about if what you are reading makes sense Reread Read ahead for more info Use context clues Look at pictures Sound out words
Predict/Infer Predict: Use clues from the pictures, vocabulary and what you know to think about or guess what will happen next. Infer: To figure out the things the author does not say directly
Phonics/Decoding (Think About Words) Use clues to figure out the meaning and/or pronunciation of new words
Self Question Ask yourself questions as you read!
Evaluate Ask yourself how you feel about a story and why Think about why a character did what they did and why Is the author doing a good job? Do you like their style of writing?
Summarize Tell the most important parts of the story in a quick and organized way Think about: Characters Setting Problem Events Resolution (solution to the problem)
3-2-1 3- Name three strategies we learned about today. 2- Explain two of the strategies in detail. 1- What strategy do you like the best? Explain.
Great job!