A Decision-Making Tool
Goal Educational Objectives Student Learning Outcomes Performance Indicators or Criteria Learning Activities or Strategies Objective and Outcome Relationship
Intended Student Learning Outcomes of the Institution (Educational Goals) Intended Student Learning Outcomes of the Academic Program (Program Objectives) Intended Student Learning Outcomes of the Course Intended Student Learning Outcomes of the Unit Intended Student Learning Outcomes of the Lesson Deliver Forward Design Backward
What is it I hope the students will have learned, that will be there and have value, several years after the course is over? (Educational Goals/Program Objectives) What would students have to do to convince me they had achieved those learning goals? (Course Student Learning Outcomes) What would students need to do during the course to be able to do well on these assessment activities? (Performance Criteria)
Mission Statement Institutional Educational Goals Program Educational Objectives Course Objectives Student Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit Objectives Student Learning Outcomes of the Unit Lesson Objectives Student Learning Outcomes of the Lesson
What will the student be able to do as a result of taking this course? Must be measurable How will students show they “understand?” Bloom’s Taxonomy – use a verb – Figures 1 & 2 UG Courses – knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis GR Courses – synthesis and evaluation Primary vs. Enabling Outcomes –”Outcome Staircase” – Figure 3
Type of LearningLevel of LearningDescription Knowledge Level One LowestRemembering previously learned material, including facts, vocabulary, concepts, and principles Comprehension Level Two LowGrasping the meaning of material Application Level Three Low-MediumUsing abstractions, rules, principles, ideas, and other information in concrete situations Analysis Level Four Medium-HighBreaking down material into its constituent elements or parts Synthesis Level Five HighCombining elements, pieces or parts to form a whole or constitute a new pattern or structure Evaluation Level Six HighestMaking judgments about the extent to which methods or materials satisfy extant criteria
Type of LearningMeasurable Verbs Level One Lowest Knowledge Define, Describe, Draw, Identify, List, Label, Match, Name, Outline, Point, Read, Recall, Recite, Recognize, Record, Repeat, Select, State, Reproduce, Write, Locate, Memorize, Review, Count Level Two Low Comprehension All of the above Level One Verbs plus: Associate, Compute, Convert, Defend, Discuss, Distinguish, Explain, Generalize, Infer, Paraphrase, Predict, Rewrite, Summarize, Review, Estimate, Extend, Translate,, Give examples, Compare, Differentiate, Illustrate, Reorder, Rephrase Level Three Low-Medium Application Add, Apply, Shop, Calculate, Change, Modify, Classify, Complete, Sketch, Compute, Demonstrate, Manipulate, Discover, Divide, Construct, Examine, Graph, Record, Interpret, Multiply, Illustrate, Operate, Prepare, Choose, Produce, Show, Predict, Solve, Subtract, Translate, Use, Dramatize, Schedule Level Four Medium-High Analysis Distinguish, Analyze, Differentiate, Appraise, Calculate, Experiment, Test, Compare, Contrast, Criticize, Diagram, Inspect, Debate, Inventory, Question, Relate, Utilize, Infer, Outline, Discriminate, Dissect, Inquire, Separate, Categorize, Order, Classify, Summarize, Arrange, Conclude, Deduce, Determine, Solve, Use, Utilize Level Five High Synthesize Categorize, Combine, Propose, Drive, Formulate, Design, Imagine, Compose, Invent, Create, Infer, Estimate, Predict, Originate, Construct, Draw, Group, Integrate, Order, Organize, Plan, Prepare, Prescribe, Produce, Transform, Relate, Specify, Synthesize Level Six Highest Evaluation Appraise, Compare, Contrast, Revise, Score, Estimate, Justify, Rate, Test, Judge, Conclude, Value, Critique, Select, Measure, Rank, Support, Choose, Hypothesize, Decide, Evaluate, Dispute, Verify, Grade, Assess, Argue, Determine Figure 3 – Bloom’s Taxonomy – Measurable Verbs
Create a stem Add a verb Determine the actual product, process, or outcome
Institutional Educational Goals Academic program objectives Course Student Learning Outcomes Unit or Lesson Student Learning Outcomes Individual Assignments Group Assignments Activities Resources
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