EMPATHY Interview your partner and seek stories about his/her experience ____________________________________________________ (best, worst, most awkward, funniest, etc..) Your Challenge: (1) INTERVIEW Notes from your conversation (4 MIN) (2) DIG DEEPER Ask why, why, why… (3 MIN)
(3) CAPTURE FINDINGS (3 MIN) REFRAME THE PROBLEM Notice something new, then infer what the meaning might be to write a point of view statement Your Challenge: (3) CAPTURE FINDINGS (3 MIN) It’s interesting/surprising/telling… ____________________________ One thing that seems important to him/her… (write more than one possibility) (4) TAKE A STAND WITH A POINT-OF-VIEW (3 MIN) ____________________________ (partner’s name/description) needs a way to (user’s need = verb) because (or “but… or “surprisingly…”) (circle one) (insight)
REFRAME THE PROBLEM [EXAMPLE] Notice something new, then infer what the meaning might be to write a point of view statement Your Challenge: (3) CAPTURE FINDINGS (3 MIN) It’s interesting/surprising/telling… ____________________________ One thing that seems important to him/her… (write more than one possibility) (4) TAKE A STAND WITH A POINT-OF-VIEW (3 MIN) ____________________________ (partner’s name/description) needs a way to (user’s need = verb) because (or “but… or “surprisingly…”) (circle one) (insight)
IDEATE Generate alternatives to test. Your Challenge: (5) Sketch as least 5 radical ways to meet your partner’s needs. (5 MIN) (6) Share your ideas and capture feedback. (10 MIN [2 x 5 MIN each])
Based on what you’ve learned choose one idea to build and test. Your Challenge: (7) BUILD SOMETHING FOR YOUR PARTNER TO INTERACT WITH! (8) CAPTURE FEEDBACK + What worked… - What to improve… [NOT HERE] ? Questions… * Ideas!