METEOROGICAL AND CHEMICAL PREDICTION WEB BASED SYSTEM USING RAMS AND CAMx NUMERICAL MODELS By Maria Victoria Toro G. PhD Nestor Waldyd Alvarez V. E.E. Carlos Gabriel Sanchez T. E.E. Environmental Research Group Atmospheric Studies Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
INTRODUCTION Medellin has Population 3 million people is located in Aburra Valley. It’s area is 1200 km 2 Colombia
System Purpose To be a Chemical and Meteorological forecast tool that can be used for both: the Community (simple data visualization) and the Government (planning) in a web site.
Outline of the System Solaris Data Base Oracle 9i RAMS Model CAMx Model Application services Meteorological files Dispersion Files Apache Server Linux php application Graph NCAR Library NCL languaje Vis5D Application php User GUI Javascript/Flash php/HTML
METEOROLOGICAL PREDICTION Regional Atmospheric Modeling System Characteristics Domain –Grid 1: 60 x 50 Grid Cells (64 km) –Grid 2: 30 x 30 Grid cells (16 km) –Grid 3: 30 x 30 Grid Cells (4 km) –Grid 4: 70 x 74 Grid Cells (1 km) Temporal Resolution :2 h Simulation time: 72 h
Input Data Topography USGS Dem30 topo10m Sea surface Temperature From ATMET 1° of Resolution Vertical profiles of T, RH,Wind, from Global Forecast System NOAA READY Land use USGS 1 km resolution RAMS MODEL ATMET
RESULTS Wind Streams Wind, temperature, Relative humidity Fields for the Aburrá Valley * Medellín Vertical Profile Daily Forecast for the Aburrá Valley Meteogram
Verification Intercomparation with Mesoescale Model (Germany)and with measured data Intercomparation with diagrams from NOAA
Photochemical Prediction Comprehensive Air Model with Extensions CAMx (Environ) Domain: 60 x 60 grid cells Resolution: 1 km Temporal resolution 1 h Simulation time: 24 h
Input Data Emissions Inventory of 31 Chemical Species (1 km resolution) Boundary Conditions Meteorological Fields from RAMS Model CAMx MODEL ENVIRON Chemical Mechanism Carbon Bond IV Initial Conditions
Daily forecast of Air Quality –Ozone field –CO field –VOC field –NO 2 field RESULTS
Verification Intercomparation with Real Data
Next Projects Actualization of the RAMS and CAMx Models Improvement of the storms simulations Improvement of the input data Test differents Photochemical Mechanism Improvement of the Emission Model MODEAM