Encouraging Cycling in Greater Nottingham: where are we and some pointers for the future Dr Jo Cleary Sustainable Transport Consultant
Background Nottingham has a strong historical association with cycling: manufacture, leisure, utility. Has been at the forefront of pioneering initiatives to promote sustainable transport. Feeling that, in recent years, cycling improvements haven’t kept pace with measures to facilitate other modes. Willingness to review and learn from emerging best practice elsewhere.
Summary of tasks Review of relevant background literature and resources (hard copy and web based). Consultation with a range of interested / knowledgeable individuals (City, County, RideWise, Ucycle, Pedals, other cycle users). A tour of the city by bicycle. Reference to background knowledge (of Nottingham and elsewhere).
Key topics Dedicated cycle infrastructure (routes) Signage and way-finding Interface with public transport Soft measures, including Citycard cycle facilities
Infrastructure: age of centrepieces?
Infrastructure: rectifying poor design
Infrastructure: what it was like before
Infrastructure design: consistency?
Infrastructure: reallocation of road space
Invisible infrastructure
And not so invisible!
Infrastructure: directness
Infrastructure: routes for utility…
…or leisure?
Way finding: victim of de-cluttering?
Way finding: need not be obtrusive
Way finding: inconsistencies between map and ground
Way finding: city centre confusions
Way finding: city centre access
Public transport: stunning strides in levels of provision
Public transport: bikes and buses
Public transport: bikes and trams
Public transport: bikes and trams (details)
Public transport: bikes and trams (future plans)
How Queens Walk looked before
Public transport: cycle hubs
Soft measures: Citycard cycle hire
Soft measures: TiC support
Soft measures: partnership working
Strengths and opportunities Multiple organisations and individuals with wide and valuable knowledge and enthusiasm. Strong high level political support. Other sustainable modes well catered for. Growing popularity of cycling. Big bang for your buck with investment in cycling. Potential funding, particularly for the innovative and ambitious.
Recommendations: be bold
Recommendations: invest in quality
Recommendations: create a cohesive and legible network
Recommendations: integrate really well with other modes
Recommendations: challenge taboos
Useful references London Cycling Design Standards (updated) LTN 2/08 Cycle Infrastructure Design Sustrans’ Technical Guidelines (plus Inspiring Infrastructure) CTC (Cycle-friendly design and planning) Cycling England archive (Design Checklist) Manual for Streets (1 and 2) Manchester Cycling Design Guidance and Standards
Thank you! Cleary Stevens Consulting