Tradition and Youth in Estonia Taavi Rõivas Kristi Jeenas Liisi Bucht
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, General data Population ( ) Total area km 2 Currency Estonian kroon (EEK) 1 DEM = 8 EEK 1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK PolityParliamentary Republic Head of statePresident - Lennart Meri Official language Estonian Ethnic minoritiesRussians 28% Ukrains 2,5% Belorussians1,5 % Finns0,9%
Tradition and Youth Swizerland,
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, Colleagues or competitors?
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, Cultural events that represent more or less traditions: National singing and dancing festivals First held in 1869 Approx singers Approx dancers Folk music festivals in Viljandi Folk music festivals in Võru Beersummer
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, National holidays celebrated by most young people: Independence Day (24.02) Estonia´s firstgained independence (1918) is celebrated all over the country People go to parades and churces Shrove Tuesday (varies) People eat pea soup and pig´s legs If possible, people compete in sledging The night of volber (30.04) Celebration of winter turning to summer People get very drunk
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, National holidays celebrated by most young people: St John´s Day (24.06) Celebration of the year´s longest day Fires are lit all over the country, people party till dawn St. Cathrine´s Day (25.11) Young people (mostly kids) run from house to house to perform acts (songs and dances) in order to get candies and stuff Kids are dressed up (as women, mostly in white) Christmas Eve (24.12) International holiday with some additional (local) traditions Very special food: sauerkraut, special kind of sausage (made of blood etc)
Tradition and Youth Swizerland, Tradition and Youth – threats and possibilities: The United States of Europe – what are the chances of Estonia´s traditions to survive? Young people are more into changes and new possibilities Computerizing world No one imagines MS Windows in Estonian – kids speak “copy and paste language” in everyday life
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