1 High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services Annual Workshop Gosse van der Veen, Statistics Netherlands 2013 Geneva workshop
2 Background (in case you don’t know..) We are a group of chief statisticians that are noticing the rapid changes occurring in the world and we want to modernize official statistics Created by the CES bureau in heads of national and international statistical organizations Strategic vision endorsed by CES in 2011/ Geneva workshop
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Members of the HLG Gosse van der Veen (Netherlands) - Chairman Gosse van der Veen (Netherlands) - Chairman Brian Pink (Australia) Brian Pink (Australia) Wayne Smith (Canada) Wayne Smith (Canada) Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape (Mexico) Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape (Mexico) Hyungsoo Park (Republic of Korea) Hyungsoo Park (Republic of Korea) Katherine Wallman (United States) Katherine Wallman (United States) Walter Radermacher (Eurostat) Walter Radermacher (Eurostat) Martine Durand (OECD) Martine Durand (OECD) Lidia Bratanova (UNECE) Lidia Bratanova (UNECE) Geneva workshop
5 Why Are We Worried?: Traditional supply chains, newspapers, magazines cable television are disappearing or changing radically Social media, electronic shopping, fragmentation of production change our data collection In a way, the writing is on the wall In a way, the writing is on the wall 2013 Geneva workshop
6 Paradigm shift In 1990 data were scarce, interpretation was readily available In 1990 data were scarce, interpretation was readily available In 2013 data are everywhere, interpretation is scarce In 2013 data are everywhere, interpretation is scarce From collecting to filtering of data From collecting to filtering of data 2013 Geneva workshop
7 2011: HLG Vision We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world Endorsed by CES June Geneva workshop
2012: HLG Strategy Improve processes to free up resources Improve processes to free up resources Make products and services easier to produce Make products and services easier to produce Use the potential of the data deluge Use the potential of the data deluge Prepare for organisational changes Prepare for organisational changes Endorsed by CES June Geneva workshop
On Products: Innovate! Address the global dimension – –In the data and in the products We need to learn to find data instead of surveying – –Procurement and harvesting The exponential increase of data is the key: we MUST use those data The exponential increase of data is the key: we MUST use those data 2013 Geneva workshop
10 On Products: Innovate! Take position in the (new) information value chain Take position in the (new) information value chain Rethink our products related to needs of a changing society Rethink our products related to needs of a changing society –Who ARE our customers nowadays? –And tomorrow? Create pockets of innovation Create pockets of innovation –nurture talent and create right conditions 2013 Geneva workshop
11 On Process: Modernise reduce diversity 2013 Geneva workshop
12 On Process: Modernise Standards save money Standards save money New methods for large volumes of data New methods for large volumes of data Minimize labor, innovate Minimize labor, innovate Collaborate, ease the burden Collaborate, ease the burden Achieve process quality through standardisation Achieve process quality through standardisation 2013 Geneva workshop
2013: WORK IN PROGRESS Geneva workshop
New Governance Structure 14 High Level Group HLG Projects Organizational framework and evaluation Production and methods Products and sources Standards HLG Secretariat HLG Secretariat Conference of European Statisticians CES Bureau Modernization Committees Executive Board 2013 Geneva workshop
After the What, here is the Why An Executive Board?? An Executive Board?? We need execution and decision power With people that can commit their organisations And know how to do that Modernisation Committees?? Modernisation Committees?? Will help us to find answers Generate ideas and Inject outside knowledge and technology Geneva workshop
Projects Frameworks and Standards for Statistical Modernization Frameworks and Standards for Statistical Modernization Integrating standards (GSIM, SDMX, DDI) Reviewing and enhancing GSBPM / GSIM Geospatial standards Common Statistical Production Architecture Common Statistical Production Architecture Also known as “Plug and Play” Ottawa sprint April 8-12 Rome sprint June Proof of concept delivered and spec V CSPA 2013 Geneva workshop
Improving Communication Linked group Linked group Business Architecture in Statistics over 700 members HLG Wiki HLG Wiki Google: “UNECE HLG” Newsletter, brochures, posters, videos Newsletter, brochures, posters, videos Available for download from the HLG Wiki And YouTube! Geneva workshop
What about 2014? What are the key priorities? What are the key priorities? Big data? CSPA? Licensing / intellectual property issues? Our products; open data, linked data, what else? Data Certification? Geneva workshop
And lets make this a successful workshop Thank You Geneva workshop