World War I World War I Causes: Rival Alliances ImperialismNationalismMilitarism
world conflict - war extended into Middle East, Asia and Africa battle of the Marne, stalemate followed; failure of von Schlieffen Plan Battlefronts Battlefronts
Germany fighting two- front war battles of Verdun and Somme defeat for Allies in Gallipoli campaign sinking of Lusitania
U.S. enters the war - reasons? turning-point in war Bolshevik Revolution leads to signing of treaty of Brest-Litovsk - Russia withdraws from war in March of 1918
Collapse of empires - Ottoman, Hapsburg, German William II abdicates; Germany becomes a Republic
increased role for government - increased power for the executive; Lloyd George and censorship; growth in bureaucracy government control of the economy during war “war socialism” increased taxes, money supply and borrowing led to inflation social change - women in labor force Impact of War Impact of War
social classes - benefits and losses; profiteers vs workers; inflation and fixed incomes class division intensified propaganda used by wartime governments WW I marked an end to the era of “progress” rise of large corporations/government complex
Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” League of Nations principle of self-determination encouraged colonial peoples to assert their demands for independence mandates, not independence, resulted for many parts pf the colonial world Europe-dominated world would remain 1919 and After 1919 and After
Peace of Paris Peace of Paris German question at center of negotiations Treaty of Versailles - punitive measures taken against Germany “Big Three” - Clemenceau Vs Wilson Clemenceau’s strategy - isolate and weaken Germany for Germany - loss of lands, reparations, war- guilt
U.S. failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles isolationism and national self-interest took precedence power vacuum in central and eastern Europe war helped shape twentieth century society - Europe’s role, government, gender, class, nationalism were all changed