100 years
A ustralian N ew Z ealand A rmy C orps
We commemorate Anzac day on the 25 th of April to remember those who fought for us.
120,000 New Zealand soldiers went to war 2,779 New Zealand soldiers were killed at Gallipoli, and 5,212 recorded as missing or wounded, Sadly. NZ Solders were fighting with the Common Wealth Countries NZ Soldiers were fighting against Turkey
Anzac Poppy The red poppy has become a symbol of war remembrance around the world. People in many countries wear the poppy to remember those who died in war or who still serve. Poppy is worn around in New Zealand, it is most commonly seen around Anzac Day, 25 April. The red or Flanders poppy has been linked with battlefield deaths since the time of the Great War. The plant was one of the first to grow and bloom in the mud and soil of Flanders.
There was nothing glamorous about trench life. World War 1 trenches were dirty, smelly and riddled with disease. For soldiers life in the trenches meant living in fear. In fear of diseases (like cholera and trench foot) and of course, the constant fear of enemy attack
The Gallipoli Campaign (Battle of Gallipoli) was one of the Allies great disasters in World War One. It was carried out between 25th April 1915 and 9th January 1916 on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire. The doomed campaign was thought up by Winston Churchill to end the war early by creating a new war front that the Ottomans could not cope with.