Paul VanRaden and Melvin Tooker* Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD 2006 Revised estimates of lifetime Net Merit for dairy breeds and breed crosses
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (2) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Introduction Previous estimates used net merit (NM$), cheese merit (CM$), and fluid merit (FM$) formulas from 2000 Dairy breeds and breed crosses were compared using updated NM$, CM$, and FM$ formulas that include daughter pregnancy rate (DPR), calving ease, and stillbirth
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (3) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Data and Methods National data for milk, fat, protein, productive life, SCS, and DPR were each evaluated using an all-breed animal model New estimates of breed differences were compared to phenotypic breed differences and to previous estimates from studies that only included herds containing crossbred cows
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (4) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Breed Effects and Heterosis New estimates of breed differences were generally intermediate between the previous estimates and the phenotypic breed differences; all three estimates were similar Estimates of general heterosis from previous studies were used in the current research and not re-estimated
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (5) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Breed Effects and Heterosis Transmitting ability differences from Holstein Milk kg Fat kg Pro kgSCSPLDPR Jersey −1698−23− B. Swiss −927−15−13− Guernsey −1996−43− − Ayrshire −1616−50−43− M. Short. −1851−70− Heterosis Heterosis and DPR estimates are from previous research
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (6) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Other Trait Estimates Body size composite estimated from mature weight Udder composite, Feet & Leg composite extrapolated from regressions on other traits within Holsteins Size, PL, milk, DPR, SCS Breed means for calving ease and for stillbirth 7.3 million HO, JE, BS, 2000 GU, 2000 AY, 300 MS
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (7) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Trait Correlations within Holsteins (and Jersey correlations for comparison) Breed Corr withSizePLSCSDPRMilk HOUdder.26.30−.33.03−.20 HOF&L.22.19−.02−.04−.02 JEUdder.36.41−.21.13−.02 JEF&L −.08
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (8) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Assumed Effects – Other Traits Transmitting ability differences from Holstein SizeUdderF&L Calving Difficulty Still- birth Jersey −10.4−1.4−2.1−7.1−1.5 B. Swiss −3.2−0.7 Guernsey −7.3−0.5−1.3− Ayrshire −5.8−1.6−0.9−3.5−1.2 M. Short. −4.20.1−0.6−0.1−2.4 Heterosis
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (9) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Net Merit Relative Emphasis Trait Trait Protein3323Udder76 Fat2223F&L43 Milk00Size34 PL1117DPR79 SCS99CA$46 DPR = daughter pregnancy rate (fertility), CA$ is index of calving ease and stillbirth
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (10) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 NM$, FM$, CM$ - Economic Values NM$FM$CM$ Milk −0.07 Fat2.70 Protein Other values are same in each index: PL 29, SCS -150, Size -14, Udder 28, F&L 13, DPR 21, CA$ 1
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (11) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Merit of F 1 Holstein Crossbreds Second Breed NM$CM$FM$ Ayrshire −304 −261−364 Brown Swiss −78 Guernsey −408−405−503 Jersey 31153−158 M. Shorthorn −498−461−547 Compared to 2005 genetic base for Holstein
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (12) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Later Generation Crosses Holstein backcross or multi-breed NM$CM$ FM$ HO x (BS x HO) −39 HO x (JE x HO) −79 BS x (JE x HO) −32+109−251 JE x (BS x HO) −44+116−292 HO x (BS x JE) −118 Compared to 2005 genetic base for Holstein
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (13) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 “Exotic” Breeds US has pedigree records for other breeds; but very little production data For further information: Interbull conversions to Ayrshire base U. Minnesota scientists (Heins et al.)
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (14) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Conclusions Breed effects were re-estimated Yield, PL, SCS, DPR by all-breed model Udder, F&L composites from other traits Calving ease and stillbirth breed means New Net Merit formula for August 2006 Holsteins still superior for FM$
Joint ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, July 2006 (15) VanRaden & Tooker 2006 Conclusions HO x BS and HO x JE higher for NM$ and CM$ BS x JE higher than HO for CM$ Three breed crosses (HO, BS, JE) are higher than HO backcrosses for CM$, similar for NM$