TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Welcome and Apologies Apologies were received from Peter Rastl and Wilfried Wöber (ACOnet), Jan Gruntorád (CESNET), Margita Kon-Popovska (MARNET), Dany Vandromme (Renater), Antoine Barthel and Theo Duhautpas (RESTENA), Arne Sundström and Hans Wallberg (SUNET), David Foster and Jean-Michel Jouanigot (CERN), Peter Villemoes and Sven Tafvelin (NORDUnet), Yves Poppe (Teleglobe) Proxies: Werner Koblitz represents ACOnet with proxy Petter Kongshaug represents SUNET with proxy Petter Kongshaug represents NORDUnet with proxy Stefan Winter represents RESTENA with proxy Jorge Sanchez represents Univ. of Belgrade with proxy (Friday only)
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes and Actions List The GA is asked to approve the agenda The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 22 nd GA meeting (Limassol, 21 October 2004)
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Membership Matters 4a. Admission of new members There are no applications for membership
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Membership Matters 4b. Changes in Membership There are no requests for changes of membership
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Membership Matters 4c. Changes in Representative CARNet: Igor Velimirović (substitute) SUNET: Hans Wallberg (substitute) ULAKBIM: Cem Saraç (representative) Cisco Systems: Johan Paardekooper (representative), Graça Carvalho (substitute) Level 3 Communications: Bart van Aanholt (representative)
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Membership Matters 4d. Outstanding Membership Fees Organisationctry total IPMIR30,36933,97037,620101,959 ANSTI/RNCRO21,03121,301 MARNETMK5,3845,2725,9753,39720,028 EMBL2,760 IBM2,400 Juniper2,400 total5,38435,64139,94569,608150,578
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June TERENA Formal Matters 5a. Adoption TERENA Financial Accounts 2004 The GA is asked to adopt the TERENA Financial Accounts 2004
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June TERENA Formal Matters 5b. Appointment of Auditors for 2005 and 2006 Financial Accounts The GA is asked to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditors for the TERENA accounts for 2005 and 2006
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June TERENA Formal Matters 5c. TERENA Annual Report The GA is asked to approve the TERENA Executive Committee’s Annual Report 2004, including the report on the Secretariat
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June TERENA Formal Matters 5d. Notice of Termination of TERENA Membership The GA is asked to decide that the TERENA membership of IPM will be terminated on 1 September 2005 unless payment of at least the outstanding membership fee for 2003 will have taken place before that date
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Technical Programme A report on the meeting of the Technical Advisory Council and an update on the TERENA Technical Programme will be presented verbally
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Executive Committee Elections President Valid nominations: Dorte Olesen (nominated by GARR, seconded by RESTENA) ……… Member at large Valid nominations: Marko Bonač (nominated by Renater, seconded by University of Malta) ………
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Projected membership categories 2006 The GA is asked to note the information
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Discussion about the relation of research networks with Grids The GA is asked to discuss and endorse the conclusions and recommendations in the workshop report, and to express its opinions about the ways in which TERENA can play a role in facilitating the communication between the networking community and the Grids community
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Preliminary discussion about the GN2 Foresight Study Introduction by Sabine Jaume The GA is asked to discuss which topics the Foresight Study should focus on, and which parties could be invited to participate in the study
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Discussion on opinions of the TERENA membership about the 7 th Framework Programme The GA is asked to give its views on the issues in the discussions about FP7, and to suggest ways in which the common opinions of the TERENA membership can be brought forward in the current and future discussions about FP7
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Research networking and EU Structural Funds Introduction by Marko Bonač
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Conferences and Workshops 13a. TNC 2005, Poznań Verbal report on the preliminary results from TERENA Networking Conference 2005
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Conferences and Workshops 13b. TNC 2006, Catania Programme Committee: Ingrid Melve (UNINETT, NO), chair Roberto Barbera (INFN, IT) David Chadwick (Univ. Kent, UK) Andrew Cormack (UKERNA, UK) David Fergusson (eScience Edinburgh, UK) Ted Hanss (University Michigan, US) Felix Kugler (SWITCH, CH) Mikael Linden (CSC, FI) Dan Mønster (UNIC, DK) Michael Nowlan (Trinity College Dublin, IE) Michal Przybylski (PSNC, PL) Gabriella Paolini (GARR, IT) Thomas Schmidt (TU Berlin, DE) Klaas Wierenga (SURFnet, NL)
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Conferences and Workshops 13c. Schools Workshop The GA is asked to note the information on the activities undertaken by TERENA in support of the exchange of information on best practice, opportunities and issues in connecting schools to NRENs, and to provide suggestions for issues to be taken up in this context
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June TERENA Secretariat Matters Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerChief Technical Officer Valentino CavalliDeputy Chief Technical Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer Baiba KaškinaProject Development Officer Alex de JoodeSenior IT Support Officer Dick VisserSenior IT Support Officer Jeroen HoubenWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator Carol de GrootPR & Conference Officer Aukje BakkerSecretary Joanne BarnettExternal Relations Officer (EGEE) Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser / Project Management Assistant (EGEE) Claire MilneSEEFIRE Project Expert
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Liaisons Verbal report on the CCIRN meeting in Poznań, 4-5 June 2005 EUNIS EURid …..
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Next Meetings GA 24, 21 October 2005 in Budapest GA 25, May 2006 in Catania
TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June Any Other Business and Close