4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 1 Fermilab ILC R&D Status and Plan (Superconducting RF) Shekhar Mishra Fermilab
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 2 Introduction In last 9 months since the ITRP technology selection we have made considerable progress. -Goals -Status -Cavity Fabrication and Cryomodule (Harry Carter) We are developing better understanding of the project. US drawings, reviews, MOU (lab to lab), Purchase Order.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 3 ILC-TRC Ranking The ILC-TRC Second report outlined the R&D needed for the ILC for its importance and urgency. –Ranking 1: R&D needed for feasibility demonstration of the machine. –Ranking 1: R&D needed to finalize design choices and ensure reliability of the machine. –Ranking 3: R&D needed before production of systems and components. –Ranking 4: R&D desirable for technical or cost optimization US Linear Collider Technology Option Study further this study by and expanded the reliability and risk analysis. These studies should guild these R&D programs.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 4 Ranking 1: Energy The feasibility demonstration for the ILC requires that a cryomodule (Modulator to Cavity) be assembled and tested at the design gradient of 35 MV/m. This test should prove that quench rates and breakdowns, including couplers, are commensurate with the operational expectations. It should also show that dark currents at the design gradient are manageable, which means several cavities should be assembled together in a cryomodule. To date no cryomodule in the world exists that can satisfy these. We need several to have confidence.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 5 Ranking 2: Energy To finalize the design choices and evaluate the reliability issues it is important to fully test the basic building block of the linac. –This means several cryomodules installed in their future machine environment, with all auxiliaries running, like pumps, controls etc. –This test should as much as possible simulate the realistic machine operating conditions, with the proposed klystron, power distribution system and with beam. –The cavities must be equipped with their final HOM couplers. –The cavity relative alignment must be shown to be within requirements. –The cryomodules must be run at or above their nominal field for long enough periods to realistically evaluate their quench and breakdown rates. ILC R&D needs to focus on this. DESY has been leading this effort but the focus of TTF is on operation. X-FEL may not be the answer to all the ILC questions.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 6 Ranking 2: Reliability The one tunnel design appears to pose a significant reliability and operability risk because of the possible frequency of the required access and the impact of these accesses on other systems. A detailed evaluation of critical subsystem reliability is needed to demonstrate that adequate redundancy is provided and that the assumed failure rate of individual components has been achieved. The performance of beam based tuning procedures to align magnets, structures, instrumentations must be demonstrated by complete simulations, in the presence of a wide variety of errors, both in the beam and in the components.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 7 Technology Studies: WG5 Determine the maximum operating gradient of each cavity & its limitations. Evaluate gradient spread and its operational implications. Measure dark currents, cryogenic load, dark current propagation, and radiation levels. Measure alignment of the quadrupole, cavities and BPM in-situ using conventional techniques (e.g. wire or optical). Measure vibration spectra of the cryomodule components, especially the quadrupole magnet. Measure system trip rates and recovery times to assess availability. Develop LLRF exception handling software to automate system and reduce downtime. Evaluate failures with long recovery times: vacuum, tuners, piezo controllers, and couplers.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 8 Superconducting RF Module & Test Facility (SMTF) Main Goal: Develop U.S. Capabilities in high gradient and high Q superconducting accelerating structure in support of the International Linear Collider. 1.3 GHz ILC Cryomodule 4 Cavities US Build/purchased 4 Cavities KEK Build/US processed
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 9 SMTF Collaboration Collaborating Institutions and their representative Argonne National Laboratory: Kwang-Je Kim Brookhaven National Laboratory: Ilan Ben-Zvi Center of Advanced Technology, India: Vinod Sahni (More institutions have been asked to join) Cornell University: Hasan Padamsee DESY: Deiter Trines Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: Robert Kephart INFN, Pisa : Giorgio Belletini INFN, Frascati: Sergio Bertolucci INFN, Milano: Carlo Pagani Illinois Institute of Technology: Chris White KEK: Nobu Toge Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: John Byrd Los Alamos National Laboratory: J. Patrick Kelley Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Townsend Zwart Michigan State University: Terry Grimm Northern Illinois University: Court Bohn Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Stuart Henderson Stanford Linear Accelerator Center: Chris Adolphsen Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility: Swapan Chattopadhaya University of Pennsylvania: Nigel Lockyer University of Rochester: Adrian Melissions Most of these institutions have joined with ILC R&D interest. Proposal was submitted to Fermilab on Feb. 18 th Interactions with DOE and GDE
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 10 Fermilab Perspective on SMTF Fermilab position as stated to ITRP is “Fermilab is ready to provide the leadership in forming a U.S. collaboration to develop scrf high gradient technology in coordination with the international community.” The international high energy physics community is relying on Fermilab to take the lead in SRF R&D for the North American region. Following the ITRP recommendation the first imperative is establishment of US-based capability in the fabrication of high gradient superconducting accelerating structures. –Expanding upon existing scrf expertise at: Argonne, Cornell, Fermilab Jefferson Lab, MSU –Provisional goal is to have three U.S. and one European 1.3 GHz ILC cryomodules under test, with beam, by the end of Fermilab is committed to providing the US leadership with close coordination with the ILC-Americas and GDE Fermilab point of view: SMTF is the primary mechanism for providing this leadership while allowing us to simultaneously integrate our ILC and PD R&D activities.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 11 ILC R&D Goals Establish a high gradient, 1.3 GHz cryomodule test area at Fermilab with a high quality pulsed electron beam using an upgraded A0 photo-injector. The upgraded photo-injector is also an R&D prototype for development of an ILC injector. Establish a prototype factory with infrastructure for the assembly of cryomodules using cavities produced at collaborating institutions and industries. Fabricate 1.3 GHz high gradient cryomodules in collaboration with laboratories, universities and U.S. industrial partners. Test cryomodules and other RF components as fabrication and operational experience is acquired and designs are optimized. Demonstrate 1.3 GHz cavity operation at 35 MV/m with beam currents up to 10 mA at a ½ % duty factor. Higher currents or duty factors may be explored if the need arises, but are beyond the present scope of the proposal. Develop the capability to reliably fabricate high gradient and high-Q SCRF cavities in U.S. industry.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 12
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 13 US-ILC Main Linac Responsibility Fermilab has the responsibility of the Main Linac superconducting part. –We are coordinating this work with the collaborating laboratories. SLAC has the responsibility of the Main Linac RF power. –We are developing modulator and purchasing klystron to get started based on existing design. –SLAC is doing R&D and will be taking a lead in this for ILC.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 14 Status: Cavity & Cryomodule The Wah Chang order was finally placed the middle of last week. The order for four 1.3GHz cavities from ACCEL is in process. The requisition for the AES four cavity order is being prepared in BS by Joe Collins. We will probably do phased funding. $300K in FY05 and the remaining $265K placed early in FY06. If money is available, we will place the entire $565K this fiscal year. MOU between different laboratories is being put together.
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 15 Status: Cavity & Cryomodule We are converting all the DESY drawings in US system for US vendors. We are developing infrastructure for cavity and cryomodule fabrication. At present we are developing cavity in collaboration with Jlab, Cornell, ANL, SLAC and industry. In view of the ILC Fermilab will look into developing cavity fabrication. This would be driven by the need to push the cavity fabrication technology to 35 MV/m. (Cavity fabrication Vertical testing )
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 16 Cavity and Cryomodule Cavity is produced, processed and vertical tested outside Fermilab. Cavity is horizontally tested at Fermilab and assembled in string at MP9. Cryomodule fabrication test place at MP9. (Reqs signed)
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 17 Engineering design Cavity: 1.3 GHz cavity development, HPR, BCP Cryomodule: Don Michelle and his team are making significant progress on all fronts, especially the americanization of the 1.3GHz cryomodule drawings. Jim Fast and his PPD personnel are making good progress on the 3.9GHz cryomodule design as well. We expect to place all of the major component procurements this year. The large MP9 fixtures americanization work is progressing well under Borrisov’s lead-- --those fixtures will also be purchased this fiscal year. Horizontal Test Cryostat (Chechia): Valery is making good progress on the vacuum vessel design, and Tom Peterson and TD D&T personnel are working on the cold mass design. Tom doesn’t believe they will be done with the design work this fiscal year, so we expect to place most of the internal components orders early in FY06. We do plan to order the vacuum vessel this fiscal year. (We need to help with engineering) Vertical Test Stand
4/29/2005Talk Presented at SMTF Collaboration Meeting 18 RF Distribution LLRF Controls Accelerator Physics