Slow Changes to Earth’s Surface ROW 1ROW 2ROW 3 ROW 4 ROW 5 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question A hill or pile of sand that was formed by the wind.
$100 Answer What is a sand dune?
$200 Question A plant is growing on the side of a rock. Tell what will happen.
$200 Answer What is the plant’s roots will begin to break the rock apart.
$300 Question Erosion and Weathering are what type of process?
$300 Answer What is a slow process?
$400 Question Land made by sediment deposited at the mouth of a river.
$400 Answer What is a delta?
$500 Question Sand dunes form by what?
$500 Answer What is deposition of sand from one place to another.
$100 Question A large mass of slow moving ice
$100 Answer What is a glacier?
$200 Question A lake used to store water.
$200 Answer What is a reservoir?
$300 Question What are 3 reasons people build dams?
$300 Answer What is to control flood water, to supply irrigation water and for recreational activities.
$400 Question Water freezes in the cracks of a rock. What will happen to the rock?
$400 Answer What is break apart and the crack will get larger.
$500 Question A single large boulder moved by a glacier and deposited when the glacier melts.
$500 Answer What is an erratic?
$100 Question A point of land, usually high, that extends out into the water?
$100 Answer What is a headland?
$200 Question Name the 3 processes moving water changes Earth’s surface?
$200 Answer What are erosion, weathering, and deposition?
$300 Question As glaciers melt, what happens underneath?
$300 Answer What is leaves everything behind that it has pushed ahead?
$400 Question The largest river and all the waterways that drain into it.
$400 Answer What is a river system?
$500 Question Wind picks up sediment from one place and……….
$500 Answer What is deposits sediment in another place?
$100 Question Glaciers are responsible for forming this.
$100 Answer What is a valley?
$200 Question This causes more erosion than any other form of weathering.
$200 Answer What is water?
$300 Question The dropping of sediment moved by wind, water and ice.
$300 Answer What is deposition?
$400 Question What is it called when wind picks up sediment from a place and deposits it in another place.
$400 Answer What is deposition?
$500 Question Name 2 types of slow processes found on Earth.
$500 Answer What are weathering and erosion?
$100 Question A large mass of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river
$100 Answer What is a delta?
$200 Question The slow wearing away of rock into smaller pieces.
$200 Answer What is weathering?
$300 Question A long ridge formed by boulders, rocks, and soil deposited by a glacier.
$300 Answer What is a moraine?
$400 Question A hill or pile of sand that was formed by wind.
$400 Answer What is a sand dune?
$500 Question A body of water that is partly enclosed by land and has a wide opening.
$500 Answer What is a bay?