UbD - Stage 3 Planning for Learning
Review Stage 1 : Identify Desired Results –Big Idea: Teach so that others may understand –Essential Question: Do we Understand? – Learning Goals stated and unpacked Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence –Criterion based (expectations of successful learning communicated) –Matched with learning goals and desired outcomes (valid) –On-going and varied (reliable)
Stage 3: Planning for Learning I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. -Chinese proverb
Ask the questions: What learning activities and teaching promote understanding, knowledge, skill, student interest and excellence? What learning experiences can be provided to make learning engaging and effective?
Engaging??? Designs which diverse learners find truly thought provoking, fascinating, energizing It’s beyond “fun” or ‘enjoyable’ Learning should require a worthy intellectual effort, centered on big ideas and important performance challenges May be hands-on or problem-based, be variable, provide opportunities for personalization, balance cooperative/competitive and individual learning opportunities, built on real-life challenges
Effective??? The learning design helps learners become more competent and productive at worthy work Not solely dependent on the instructional strategy used May include work which is goal-focused, models or criteria provided at beginning of learning, opportunities to link ideas with activities to make them concrete and real, opportunities for self- assessment and revision, environments which are safe for risk-taking and mistakes
Use the WHERETO self- assessment when planning for learning… W - where/why communicated with students Hook and Hold Equip with necessary experience, etc Reflect, rethink and revise Evaluate Tailored to individuals Organized to reach deep understandings
How did we do in our planning? W … where were we going to go and why? H … did we hook and hold you? How? E - what experiences did we provide to equip you for success? R - were there opportunities to reflect, rethink and revise? When? E - were you aware of assessment criteria to evaluate along the way? T - did we allow for different learning styles, speeds, modalities, past experiences O - was the presentation of ideas organized to allow you to achieve a deeper understanding of understanding and planning for understanding?