SAR-ATR/FOA Compiler for ACS SLAAC Retreat, March ‘99 Brad L. Hutchings Configurable Computing Lab Brigham Young University
Joint STARS ‘97 SAR ATR Pipeline Identification Indexer (SLD) Focus of Attention Detection Annotated SAR Image Belief Management (Fusion Executive) MPM CRMMSELPM.. Joint STARS Advance Workstation (JAWS) ATR Results Display PGA ESAR Image SAR Image T72 *Not Joint STARS imagery
Joint STARS ‘97 SAR ATR Pipeline Identification Indexer (SLD) Focus of Attention Detection Annotated SAR Image Belief Management (Fusion Executive) MPM CRMMSELPM.. Joint STARS Advance Workstation (JAWS) ATR Results Display PGA ESAR Image SAR Image T72 Sandia National Labs *Not Joint STARS imagery Binary Morphology AIQ
What the ATR programmer wants... ATR Guy quant span span cover Go-Fast Box TM No circuit design Automated mapping. Fast compile times. 10x or better performance. Wish List
What the ATR programmer gets… (current state of the art) ATR Guy Box of Gates TM Must be circuit designer. No automated mapping. Slow compile times (days). 10x or better performance. Yikes!
We are getting close to the ideal. (.def files in, bitstreams out). ATR Guy ACS Platform BYU-FOA Compiler FOA.def file (binary morphology) span span cover quant span span cover , XC4062 Xilinx Bitstreams 8 minutes 10X Faster
Baseline -- ‘96 PPC PowerPC SLAAC SLAAC SAR/ATR Roadmap - 500:1 Acceleration vs. ‘96 Baseline 50x 25x 10x 8x 10x Homogeneous ACS FPGAs upgrade to latest technology. Heterogeneous ACS (e.g. memory on chip) Hybrid ACS (e.g. RISC core, RTR) Year Performance Moore’s Law Arch. Advantage Goal Fine-grain parallelism Fine-grain control Dynamic load balance Precision management Skip “0” Early outs Initial Arch. Advantage Fine-grain parallelism Coarse-grain control ACS SLAAC BYU ACS FOA Performance (10x PowerPC) (morphology portion)
Superquant Adaptive image quantization (AIQ). Histogram generation and search. First stage of the FOA algorithm. Memory-bandwidth limited, not compute-bound. Implementation Exploits distributed memories. Fully parameterizable (uses.def file). Status: Histogram processors have been designed and verified. Projected pixel rates: »estimated, Xilinx 4K: 6-7 Mpixel (30 MHz). June 99. »estimated, Xilinx Virtex: Mpixel (60 MHz). ?
FOA Future Vision (Virtex) Superquant Binary Morphology Binary Morphology Image Data Output +3 Chip Solution +1 board +30 Mpixel
Future Issues Release source of BYU-FOA compiler to Sandia. AIQ (adaptive image quantization) aka Superquant Initial designs are complete. CDI Studying specification. Study advantages of Xilinx Virtex. Faster clocks, fewer chips, lower cost, yada, yada, yada...