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SAE Fellow Grade Scoring
Fellow Grade Scoring Background about scoring & forms
Fellow Grade Scoring Reviewer scoring process: 1. Read nomination & references 2. Determine if at least 3 references verify nomination statements 3. Score nomination Nominations are to be judged based on stated information against scoring criteria 4. Enter final score on Score Sheet & submit to SAE
Fellow Grade Scoring Nominator scoring process 1. Read reference & supervisor letters 2. Determine if at least 3 member references verify nomination statements 3. Score nomination Judge your nominee based on stated information against scoring criteria 4. Strengthen nomination, if needed & update scoring 5. Forward nomination package to SAE
Fellow Grade Scoring BASIS FOR NOMINATION Determine applicable points for each category. Type the point(s) you are assigning in the "score" column. Leave score column blank when no score is given and proceed to scoring the next category. Research, Technical & Leadership Honors and Awards Research, Technical and Leadership: Select applicable points. Total points that can be awarded in each section - 1a, 1b, or 1c = 15. The combined total points that can be awarded for these three sections = 30. Points:Score: Honors and Awards: Select applicable points from either 6a or 6b. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 3. Total points that can be awarded in the Honors & Awards category = 10. Points:Score: 1aReview individual’s research and technical achievements.* Evaluate the research based on whether it was original work or if it provides expanded knowledge based on a design, building, and/or the evaluation of motorized air and ground vehicles or standard development. 0 to 15 6aIndividual received one or two SAE awards (technical). As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 1bLeader’s scope of responsibility progressed to high levels of technical and general management. Leadership authority consists of managing a major company or operations such as a company's division/plant and/or 0 to15 6bIndividual received three or more SAE awards (technical). As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 1cEvaluate accomplishments that train, instruct, counsel or mentor university students and/or young engineers develop careers within mobility-related professions. Award higher points for accomplishments in these areas where the model or method is 0 to 15 Select all applicable points for the nominee. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 7 Points:Score:
Fellow Grade Scoring Fellow Scoring Document Points assigned per category/section Research, Technical & Leadership Honors and Awards Research, Technical and Leadership: Select applicable points. Total points that can be awarded in each section - 1a, 1b, or 1c = 15. The combined total points that can be awarded for these three sections = 30. Points:Score: Honors and Awards: Select applicable points from either 6a or 6b. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 3. Total points that can be awarded in the Honors & Awards category = 10. Points:Score: 1aReview individual’s research and technical achievements.* Evaluate the research based on whether it was original work or if it provides expanded knowledge based on a design, building, and/or the evaluation of motorized air and ground vehicles or standard development. Award higher points for original research, innovation, invention and for research or technical achievements that led to the development of a new design, model, component(s), product, process, system or test that has the greatest impact on the mobility industry and society. As applicable, score 0 to 15 points depending upon the quality, originality and impact of the nominee's research findings, innovative methodologies, and inventions. 0 to 15 6aIndividual received one or two SAE awards (technical). As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2
Fellow Grade Scoring Scoring Categories Research, Technical & Leadership Publishing, Communicating, & Patents Honors & Awards Technical Societies Activities Support Letters
Fellow Grade Scoring Research, Technical & Leadership Consider nominee’s accomplishments Impact of accomplishment(s) Managing teams Industry recognition Impact on industry New Issues & Standards Formulation
● Managing Teams, Industry Recognition & Impact on Industry Sections Fellow Grade Scoring Managing Teams Managing Teams: Select applicable points for1d. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 15. Points:Score: 1d Individual managed, supervised, or led teams, collaborated on major projects across the industry, national labs, government, or universities that developed new and unique technologies, product, process, or systems that had an impact on 0 to 15 Industry Recognition Industry Recognition: Select applicable points for 2. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 15. Points:Score: 2 Evaluate recognition of the individual within his/her company, the technical community of nominee's particular field, as well as the broader global technical community of nominee's field. Nominee's contributions would be sought after in their 0 to 15 Impact on Industry Impact on Industry: Select applicable points for 3. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 15. Points:Score: 3 Result of work: Analyze and score points based on significance and impact to the industry. Result of work can be an advancement in safety, advanced modeling techniques, improved design, improved manufacturing process, new theory, 0 to 15
Fellow Grade Scoring New Issues & Standards Formulation New Issues & Standards Formulation: Select applicable points for 4. Total points that can be awarded in this category = 5 Points:Score: 4 Evaluate nominee's individual contribution in standards involvement in SAE including standards development or in the formulation of other types of mobility standard or legislation whereby the standard or legislation impacts the mobility industry and society. Individual is a champion formulating an SAE standard(s) or legislation. They are influential in the development and in validating the standard(s) or legislation content, are instrumental in bringing a standard(s) or legislation to market, and influential in obtaining international recognition and acceptance of the standard(s) or legislation. Award higher points based on the individual's high level of involvement. As applicable, score 0 to 5 points. 0 to 5
Fellow Grade Scoring Publishing, communicating, & patents Publishing, Communicating, & Patents Publishing, Communicating, and Patents Score applicable points for 5a and 5b. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 7.Total points that can be awarded in entire Publishing category(5a - 5o) = 33. Points:Score: 5aEvaluate publications for quantitative and qualitative results then as applicable, score 0 to 5 points. Reviewer should consider based upon how many publications produced, those that are distinguished germane to the Citation, how many are SAE papers, and are transaction level. 0 to 5 5bAs applicable, score 0 to 2 points for papers or documents cited in the nomination which are not transaction level, or peer reviewed but have merit based on the concept that they make a judgment that impacts the mobility industry, and society. 0 to 2 Select applicable points from either 5c, 5d, or 5e. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 5 Points:Score: 5cIndividual has written and published 1 book. As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 5dIndividual has written and published 2 or 3 books. As applicable, score 4 points. 0 or 4 5eIndividual has written and published 4 or more books. As applicable, score 5 points. 0 or 5 Select applicable points for either 5f. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 2 Points:Score: 5fIndividual who managed, supervised, or lead a platform team which resulted in their team members writing and publishing technical books and papers. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2
Fellow Grade Scoring Publishing, communicating, & patents Select all applicable points from 5g to 5k. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 11 Points:Score: 5gIndividual has given keynotes, presentations, and speeches at conferences, organizations, and other major venues. As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 5hIndividual has published magazine articles in nationally known journals/newspapers or wrote and/or edited published book chapters. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 5iIndividual has participated on panels in which discussion is related to the mobility industry. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 5jIndividual communicated to his/her internal company regarding the company/organization’s products and processes. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 5kIndividual communicated to an external audience regarding the company/organization’s products and processes. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 Select applicable points from either 5l, 5m, 5n or 5o. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 10 Points:Score: 5lIndividual has 1-10 patents (relates to citation). As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 5mIndividual has patents (relates to citation). As applicable, score 4 points. 0 or 4 5nIndividual has more than 20 patents (relates to citation). As applicable, score 5 points. 0 or 5 5oEvaluate invention(s) such as products, processes, designs, etc. that were not patented but information was recognized by their company as a Trade Secret or any other type of identified non-disclosure contract in lieu of patents. As applicable, score 1 to 5 points. Base score on individuals' role in the invention, number of inventions, and impact of invention(s) to society. Understandably, no specifics can be given in the nomination on those trade secrets not as yet gone public; however evaluate based on information given in write-up. 1 to 5
Fellow Grade Scoring Award points from Honors & Awards Honors and Awards Honors and Awards: Select applicable points from either 6a or 6b. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 3. Total points that can be awarded in the Honors & Awards category = 10. Points:Score: 6aIndividual received one or two SAE awards (technical). As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 6bIndividual received three or more SAE awards (technical). As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 Select all applicable points for the nominee. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 7 Points:Score: 6cIndividual received 1 or more technical awards or recognitions from company(s)/organization employed. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 6dIndividual received 1 or more technical accomplishment awards or recognitions from technical associations other than SAE. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 6eIndividual received 1 or more public awards or recognitions. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 6f Non academic nominee received awards or recognition from a university. As applicable, score 1 point. 0 or 1
Fellow Grade Scoring Award points from: Technical Societies Activities Technical Societies Activities: Select all applicable points for 7a-7h. Total points that can be awarded in this category = 16 Points:Score: 7a Is/was a member of SAE's Board of Directors or serving on other high-level boards and administrative committees. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 7b Involved in SAE by being a member of a planning committee/board for an international conference or symposium. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 7cIs/was a founder, co-founder or general chair of SAE's international conference or symposium. As applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 7dInvolved in SAE by being a member of a technical standards committee or board. If applicable, score 2 points. 0 or 2 7eInvolved in SAE by participating in technical sessions, presenting papers, being a workshop or seminar speaker, an instructor, or a reviewer of technical papers. As applicable, score 1 point. 0 or 1 7fInvolved in SAE by being a session organizer. As applicable, score 1 point. 0 or 1 7gInvolved in SAE by participating in A World in Motion® or other student activities in which the activity encourages engineering as a career to students. As applicable, score 1 point. 0 or 1 7hMember or participator in other technical societies in such activities as outlined for SAE in 7a-7g. As applicable, score 1 to 5 points. 0 to 5
Fellow Grade Scoring Reference, supervisor or management letters Support Letters Support Letters: Select applicable points from 8a, 8b or 8c.Total points that can be awarded in this section = 5. Total points that can be awarded in the Support Letters category = 10. Points:Score: 8a3 members’ support letters received, however letters do not sufficiently verify all statements made in nomination form. As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3 8b3 members’ support letters verifies somewhat the statements in nomination form. As applicable, score 4 points. 0 or 4 8c3 members’ support letters verifies well all statements made in the nomination form. As applicable, score 5 points. 0 or 5 Points for 8d are bonus. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 2 Points:Score: 8d4th support letter received and verifies well statements made in nomination form. As applicable, score 2 points. 2 Select applicable points from either 8e or 8f. Total points that can be awarded in this section = 3 Points:Score: 8eNominee’s supervisor or management representative support letter received and it moderately supported the nomination or letter did not contain much verifiable content. As applicable, score 1 0 or 1 8fNominee’s supervisor or management representative support letter received and well supported the nomination. As applicable, score 3 points. 0 or 3
Fellow Grade Scoring Reviewers One nominee scored! Save the nominee’s scoring Repeat scoring process Re-read nomination & scoring document
Fellow Grade Scoring Nominators Your nominee is scored Save scoring document Re-read nomination & scoring document Include copy of score sheet with nomination package
Fellow Grade Scoring Reviewers Submit total scores only Committee meets to discuss nominations & scores Fellow selection occurs Board of Directors’ confirm Fellow Committee’s recommendations
Fellow Grade Scoring Reviewers Information posted on the Fellow Committee Forum Nominators Information posted on Fellow web site
Fellow Grade Scoring Questions or assistance about Fellow grade scoring or call or
Fellow Grade Scoring URL for Scoring document: