CACHE Task Forces
New committees and Task Forces New standing committees Awards (Frank Doyle, Chair, Members: Richard Braatz, Rex Reklaitis, Warren Seider) Conferences (Jeff Siirola, Chair, Members: Tom Edgar, Mike Henson, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Wayne Bequette) New task forces: Communication: (Jonathan Moore Chair, Members: Stephen Zitney, Claire McCabe, Tom Edgar, David Kofke) (combined website, newsletter plus) Charged with website, newsletter, linkedin, facebook, cachet Education module development: (Jason Keith: Chair Members: Warren Seider, Mike Henson, Scott Fogler) (combined case studies, learning resources, energy, biosystems) Charged with development of modules for different chemical engineering courses ABET resources (David Kofke, Chair Members: Marianthi Ierapetritou, Frank Doyle, Warren Seider, Ed Maggin, Jeff Errington, Jeff Siirola) Charged at the beginning for the dissemination of best practices for ABET student outcome assessment, and implementation of continuous improvement practices.
Membership X = Chair x = member Count Badgwell Bassett Bequette Braatz Chen Cummings Cutlip Doyle Edgar Fogler Golab Henson Hesketh Ierapetritou Keith Kofke Maginn McCabe Moore Petty Pistikopoulos Reklaitis Seider Siirola Towler Westmoreland Zitney Total Committees Executive Committee x.Xx.x Conferences Committee5..x.....x..x.x X... Awards Committee4... x... X xx.... Task Forces Education module development TF x.x..X x.... Communication TF x......x.xX x ABET Resources TF x..... x. X x.....xx... Proposed