How to Plan a Successful Academic Year with Your Chapter: Keeping the End in Mind JODI BROOKINS-FISHER, PHD, MCHES ESG PRESIDENT HOLLY TURNER MOSES, PHD, CHES ESG MEMBER-AT-LARGE
Learning Objectives By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: ◦Implement strategies to assist your chapter with planning high- quality experiences and opportunities ◦Strategize from the annual report a “road map” for the chapter’s annual plan ◦Develop and organize your chapter’s activities into ESG award categories ◦Submit your chapter’s best activities for ESG awards
ESG Mission & Goals The mission of the Honorary is promotion of the discipline by elevating the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally prepared men and women in Health Education. The goals of the Honorary include: ◦Supporting the planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programs and resources; ◦Stimulating and disseminating scientific research; ◦Motivating and providing health education services; ◦Recognizing academic achievement; ◦Supporting health education advocacy initiatives; ◦Promoting professional standards and ethics; and ◦Promoting networking activities among health educators and related professionals
Gaining Support Speak positively about EGS in classes and encourage students to join. Encourage Gammans who have writing skills to write for ESG’s journals. Attend chapter meetings and activities to show support to members. Volunteer to work on a chapter project in area of personal interest or expertise. Wear your ESG pin and display your membership certificate in your office. Publicly recognize chapter successes in class, on campus, and in the community. Attend national ESG meetings. Suggest teaching/education, service, research and advocacy projects to chapter officers When advising students, encourage them to join ESG.
Chapter Sponsor Selection Leadership style The role of sponsor in chapter success Role model
Leaders Commitment Confidence Creativity Communication skills Perseverance Positive attitude Organizational skills
Preparing for Your Academic Year KEEPING THE END IN MIND
Keeping the End in Mind Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) Habit #2 Begin with the End in Mind “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”
Discussion Starter What is “the end” for you? What do you hope to accomplish this year? Make a list of things you want your chapter to accomplish, or participate in during the academic year.
Review the ESG Chapter Annual Report DUE JUNE 1, 2015
Chapter Annual Report Membership information Officers and contact information Chapter information Standards for Chapters to follow (met/not met) Top activities accomplished by the chapter *Determine if the chapter qualifies for an activity award ◦Optional, but strongly recommended!
Chapter Annual Report: Standards Checklist I.Standards for Chapter Management and Professional Development II.Standards for Health Education and Health Promotion III.Standards for Health Education and Health Promotion Research
Chapter Annual Report: Chapter Awards Criteria
Chapter Annual Report: Activity of the Year Awards Advocacy Activity of the Year Research Activity of the Year Service Activity of the Year Teaching Activity of the Year
Chapter Goals Develop and implement chapter goals ◦Action plans for the year should include goals and objectives that are measurable ◦Overall goals for the year ◦Goals and objectives should revolve around the ESG pillars of Teaching, Service, Research and Advocacy ◦One goal should pertain to the Chapter Recognition Award that the chapter plans to pursue at the end of the academic year ◦One goal should pertain to the Chapter Activity Award(s) that the chapter plans to pursue at the end of the academic year
Professional Development Build the leadership skills (and confidence) of chapter officers Ensure the professionalism of chapter officers and members Examples: ◦Member trainings (i.e., leadership, education, skill-based) ◦Attendance at professional conferences ◦Opportunities to acquire certifications ◦Job market skills (NCHEC Responsibilities) ◦Post-bac skills (applying to graduate programs)
Chapter Communication Planned system that is tailored to a specific chapter ◦List-serv ◦Student organization platform ◦Website Social Media Applications ◦Facebook ◦Twitter ◦Instagram Please include a link on your website to the national office!!!
Chapter Funding Fundraising efforts Support from the chapter’s department Grants from the chapter’s university/college Fees for services Grants from the national office
National Office Funding Chapters must have submitted their Annual Report to be eligible A description of each grant is listed on the website under the “Awards and Grants” tab on the left side of the homepage ◦Travel and professional grants ◦Project grants
Planning Chapter Projects
Types of Chapter Projects Service Education Research Advocacy
Service Activities Service activities require very little planning, but make a huge impact in the community! These projects have the potential to put your chapter’s name on the map!
Education Projects Knowledge is power! Members can inform fellow college students, and/or members of the surrounding community!
Research Projects Select meaningful, relevant, and timely research; a topic that members are excited about!
Advocacy Think of ways to include advocacy in your activities!
Project Focus Determine ideas with greatest support from members and stakeholders. Consider time/resources needed. Can we sponsor the project jointly? Will the project make an impact on individual’s lives? Do faculty have an interest in the project? How will you evaluate success? Establish clear and specific goals and objectives! Use a planning model!
Project Goals and Objectives Goals are general statements which identify the project or activity that is to be implemented. Objectives are statements which specifically indicate what the outcomes of the program will be. ◦Develop objectives which are reasonable to accomplish. ◦Use descriptive verbs that are measurable. ◦When writing objectives, ensure they are simple and to the point. ◦Remember, your objectives will be the blueprint for implementing and evaluating the project.
4 steps in the Planning Process Needs assessment Goal setting Implementation Evaluation
More activities… Fundraisers Social events Special events (Induction ceremony) Conference attendance
Marketing Your Chapter Have chapter officers/members speak to classes required for the major Develop a display in the department and update it frequently Ask current members to recruit new members Organize a social and invite potential members to attend Invite alumni back as speakers Use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Profile of a Successful Chapter Interest and support of the faculty Competent student leaders Involvement of student members Financial support of activities Departmental support of activities Excellence in activities So…. how do you achieve excellence with your ESG chapter?
Contacts Dr. Jodi Brookins-Fisher ESG President Dr. Holly Turner Moses ESG Member-At-Large Ms. Julie Eastes ESG Executive Director