Menu a list of options available to a user If you don’t know where something is you can check the menu. computer menu Folder
keyboard set of keys: an array of keys in a row or rows used for operating something such as a computer or musical instrument You need a keyboard to use a desktop computer. Keyboard Type writer
Search engine a computer program that searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found.wordwhich When I don’t know something I go to my favorite search engine which is Website
Upload to transfer (software, data, character sets, etc.) from a smaller to a larger computer if If you wanna have a profile picture on your facebook you have to upload it to facebook. Add download
Font Type of lettering. There are hundreds of different types of fonts. Type style Hand writing
Port a computer port is an interface or connection point between the computer and peripheral devices, other computers or networks All I have to do to charge my phone with a computer is plug it into the port. dock Plug Outlet
Freeze To stop functioning properly. sometimes my phone freezes and it gets on my nerves. Stop working. work
Control panel electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices. I had to change things on my computer so I had to go into the control panel to do so. instrument panel,instrument panel
Memory physical devices used to store programs (sequences of instructions) or data (e.g. program state information) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer or other digital electronic device.state informationcomputerdigitalelectronic Every computer has a memory card inside of it. Retention Brain
crash A computer crash means that the computer itself stops working or that a program aborts unexpectedly. programaborts My computer crashed last night while I was trying to put music on my phone. Computer freezing. Computer working normally.
Cursor A movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user. Theres this website that you can go to and you can pretty cursors for free. Pointer/ Marker finger
Software The programs and other operating information used by a computer. When I got my computer we downloaded this software so we don’t any virus. Program Hardware
Folder a simulated file folder that holds data, applications and other folders. I put my advisement assignment in a folder so I can work on it tomorrow. Storage holding data Filing cabinet
cpu is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the systemcomputerinstructionscomputer program input/output If your cpu was to ever mess up you can by another one instead of buying a new computer. Processor. Food processor
Hardware Any physical part of the computer The monitor is computer hardware. mouse software