Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity (NES - ESF) Mid-term evaluation report presented to the 32nd PESC Plenary Meeting of the ESF Victor V. Moshchalkov Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Institute for Nanoscale Physics and Chemistry (INPAC)
Programme objectives Main objective: to investigate the effect of the nanoscale confinement of condensate and flux on superconductivity in order to reveal its nanoscale evolution and to determine the fundamental relations between quantized confined states and the physical properties of these systems, enabling “quantum design” of their properties Main topics: Evolution of superconductivity at nanoscale, superfluidity in restricted geometries Superconductivity in hybrid superconducting – normal (SN) and superconducting – magnet (SM) nanosystems with tuneable boundary condition Confined flux in nanostructured superconductors and hybrid SN and SM nanosystems Josephson effects and tunneling in weakly coupled condensates Fundamentals of fluxonics, superconducting devices 2
The NES-ESF - teams 17 EU countries (in total > 70 groups) + USA + Japan + Brasil 3
Programme activities Workshops and conferences: 4
Programme activities Grant scheme: Steering committee meetings: Dedicated books: 5
Programme activities 6
Publications: Many publications in top Journals Many of these are inter-NES partner publications NES confirms European leadership in this area 7
Programme activities Publicity: 8
Programme activities Web page: Regular updates Linked to ESF Conference registration Grant request submission 9
Programme activities Conference CD’s & NES-ESF Flyer: 10
Typical expenditures Available means allow annual working without excess carried to next year Focus on large events, allowing as many as possible interactions between scientists in the field 11
Conclusion Europe and beyond. Providing an excellent exchange of ideas for the scientists via regular meetings. Enabling supported travel for young scientists between leading research groups. Generating a clear overview of the progress achieved in this research area via special issues of books. Attracting leading groups in Europe and beyond as one community, keeping open mind for new joint collaborations. Streamlining the NES research in Europe (avoiding double work). Enhancing International cooperation (Europe, Japan, USA, Brasil). Enhancing access to international facilities and sharing equipment. The European teams were able to exploit further on a very valuable accumulated joint expertise, thus conserving the important gained momentum on a really global scale with a very strong European leading position. 12
Planned activities 13