Objective: to identify the steps to the fall of Constantinople! Using the big fat world history books, read ch 8 section 3 beginning on page 195 with The Turks struck from the East
Your task: Imagine you are a reporter from either Rome or Baghdad and you must report back to your home city the events of the fall. From your perspective describe at least 3 major players and 3 events with dates that led to the fall. So you are looking for people, places, dates and events….How did this happen. Remember if you are a Muslim your hero(s) will be the Christian’s villains and vice versa….
Now: Using this site: The URL: (or design own layout) /Printing_Press/ /Printing_Press/ You are to turn your prewrite into an editorial or informational flyer from a Muslim or Christian perspective about the fall of Constantinople. Use your 3 events to describe the fall. Use emotion, write about the events, who were the heroes? Villains? What does the opposing side think? Explain why your perspective is right and theirs is wrong. You can use quotes from your reading. Have a picture of the event. For flyer you need a picture and some slogans and quotes to get attention so people read your flyer. It must be visually eye catching!
Grade: editorial /30 9 pts: 3 events describing fall (pick a side) 9 pts: Emotion used to describe-identify heroes and villains 5 pts: Opposing view 5 pts: Close with why your view is correct, opposition wrong (use quotes/slogans) 2pts: picture with caption
Grade: poster /30 9 pts: 3 events depicting fall with captions (pick a side) 9 pts: Emotion used to describe-identify heroes and villains (visually) with quote or slogan 5 pts: Opposing view visually represented with caption 5 pts: show why your view is correct, opposition wrong (use quotes/slogans) and visual 2pts: pictures and words organized neatly and visually appealing