Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 Strategic Communication in the German Social Health Insurance System Percivil M. Carrera, LLM, PhD mentoring the motivated.
Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 Source: Busse and Riesberg 2006
Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 The Federal Joint Committee The Federal Joint Committee (Gemainsamer Bundesauschuss, G-Ba) serves as a platform for discussion and decision-making in the German Social Health Insurance (SHI) system. It brings together the national associations of doctors and dentists, the hospital federation and federal association of sickness funds. Patient groups essentially play a consultancy role whereas they are allowed the right to file applications and participate in the consultations of the G-Ba but do not have voting rights.
Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 The Federal Joint Committee The G-Ba incorporated and standardized the former separately working committees for ambulatory, dental and hospital care. Although under the legal review of the German Federal Ministry of Health, it is not a subordinate authority. It is composed of 21 members involving one (1) impartial chair, two (2) impartial members and nine (9) members each for the national association of sickness funds and providers.
Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 Tasks of the G-Ba Assessment of new methods of medical diagnosis and treatment. Regulation of remuneration exclusions and restrictions in the provision of drugs. Safeguard of medical service provision. Recommendations with respect to quality assurance in the SHI system
Percivil M. Carrera | IHCM | EHMA 2008 How the G-Ba Works Source: G-Ba