Reflection and roadmap: CFR assessment and roadmap development
2 Imprint Published by: Contact adelphi Caspar-Theyss-Strasse 14a Berlin / Germany T F E I Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH CF Ready Program Godesberger Allee Bonn/Germany T F E I Dennis Tänzler E T Dorit Lehr E T tise/html/3041.html Any content written by named authors do not necessarily reflect the views of adelphi nor GIZ nor of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Although the authors take all possible care to ensure the correctness of published information, no warranty can be accepted regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability and completeness of the content of this information. August 2014
3 Terms of Use This Training Material was developed by adelphi with financial support from GIZ’s CF Ready Program on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany If you would like to adapt this presentation to your needs, please respect the following terms of use: The imprint is mandatory. It may neither be altered nor removed from the presentation and should always be printed out as part of the presentation, if applicable. The German Cooperation, GIZ and adelphi logo must not be moved or removed. No other logos or further information may be placed in the footer area. If you wish to add your own content please indicate in the respective slides that the respective content has been added and that it was not part of the original version provided by the authors mentioned in the imprint. If you would like to make substantial changes to the content of this presentation or have other questions regarding the material, please contact or
4 Reflection on CliFiT contents In the course of this CliFiT workshop you have heard a lot about climate finance. We would now like to give you the opportunity to… reflect on the training contents – together with your colleagues or on an individual basis assess the main challenges of Climate Finance Readiness (CFR) in your country/ institution develop a roadmap with concrete activities to enhance CFR of your country/ institution
5 Part 1: CFR assessment Climate Finance Readiness Area Guiding questionsScaleAssessmentComment Strategies and policies To what extent are climate change priorities reflected in the national strategy reflected in the budget and its planning cycle? -Unknown 0Not at all 1To some extent 2Systematically To what extent are climate policies in place? -Unknown 0Non-existent 1 Yes, but there are still gaps 2Yes, fully in place Recap of CliFiT contents: There are different types of policy instruments, namely: -Regulation (e.g. building codes, regulations on water resources management) -Economic instruments: quantity (emission trading schemes) and price instruments (feed-in tariff) -Information and training (e.g. labelling, capacity development) -R&D support (e.g. research) Assess each guiding question based on the insights gained during the CliFiT workshop and according to the current situation in your institution/ country. Recap section to help remember key aspects of the respective training topics.
6 Part 2: Roadmap What follow-up actions do you plan within the next 6-12 months based on your CliFiT learnings and insights? Please indicate a time frame to implement the action. What kind of support do you need for this follow-up? And how could the CliFiT workshop organisers or any other party support you in these follow-up actions? Climate Finance Readiness Area Follow-up actionsBy whenSupport needed Strategies and policies