04 June Milocer
Social partnership and its role in VET in Kosova
Social partners Kosovo Chamber of Commerce Chamber of artisans Unions Civil society
Legal Framework Law on Pre-university Education in Kosova Law on Vocational education and training Law on adult education and training Kosovoa Education Strategic Plan Kosova Curriculum Framework Law on National Qualifications Kosovo National Framework
Cooperation mechanisms Existing legislation Signed agreements MoUs KAAP Development of VET policies Development of legislation Recommendations for VET Development of Standards and Curricula Implementation of professional practice
Council for Vocational Education and Training Three parties - Government - Employer, and - Unions There are (7) seven established committees VET policies and strategies Qualification standards and curriculum Teacher training Quality assurance Assessment and evaluation Labor market Career guidance
Partnership between OEK, Dortmund chamber of artisans and VET The goal of the project is employability and self-employability The partnership project is funded by federal ministry for economic cooperation The aim of this project is to intensify the cooperation between: - enterprise - Chamber of commerce and - Vocational school Plans are made for Teacher training Courses for training collaborators of enterprises
Challenges Lack of implementation of existing laws Not functional KAAP Irresponsibility of school and social partners Budget
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