Chapter 22 Jesus, teacher and healer Jesus was baptized in River Jordan by John the Baptist and then spent 40 days in the desert praying. When he returned to Galilee he began to preach about the Kingdom of God. Define Kingdom of God
Jewish people were used to a King and expected to be restored to power. Jesus was not announcing a political kingdom. God’s presence and rule can be found in him and in the things he said and did. Freedom from sin and the gift of God’s life of grace are offered to everyone. By living in God’s presence and for the kingdom, people can begin to live in God’s life, the very life that we believe is life with God forever.
Mission of Jesus was to share God with all people and to reconcile everyone to God. Jesus welcomed everyone– even those neglected by society. Jesus forgave and healed- showing both human and divine qualities. Jesus showed the love of God to all and asks us to do the same to all people.
Message of Jesus was to have hope. People began to follow Jesus and became disciples. Sermon on the Mount- meaning of true happiness as told to us in the Beatitudes- Matthew 5:3-10 p. 251 – learn the Beatitudes.
Two symbols used in Sermon on the Mount were salt and light. Salt- seasons and preserves Light- life giving and guiding, helps you see. We are to be “salt and light”- active in our communities and help others “see” the way of God.
Prayer- helps stay close to God Private and public– both are good Jesus gave us the “the Lord’s Prayer’ which is called the “Our Father” Message of trust in God and love of the Father.
Miracle- an extraordinary event beyond human power and brought about by God. Wedding at Cana- changed water into wine because Mary asked him to do this. Feeding crowd with a few fish and loaves of bread Cured sick and dying people
Jesus performed miracles to Show his love for people Give comfort and peace Strengthen people’s belief in God’s love and power.