Leader of England Parliament was Legislative body Ruled the colonies from across the “great Pond” Colonies left alone to Self-Rule = (colonists) Colonies used as a “cash cow” for England
A war fought between the French and the British England is debt King George and Parliament decide to tax the colonist Rationale “It was fought over there…” Tkc
Sugar Stamp Act Tea
The Colonies have no representation in Parliament over in England.
Boston Massacre-March 5, 1170 Riot between dock workers and British Soldiers 5 colonists dead
Sam AdamsJohn Hancock
John Adams Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin George Washington Patrick Henry Paul Revere
Patriots rebelling against the King of England. Centered in Boston.
Sons of Liberty(dressed as Native Americans) protest Tea Act by dumping tea in to the Boston Harbor 9pDZMRCpQ
Essentially ends self-rule in the Colonies! Quartering Act- forced colonist to house soldiers The final straw for the Colonists
The “shot hear around the world”…the start of the Revolution. The Official Start of the American Revolution WTwTHc
Meet in Philly to discuss actions of War President-John Hancock
Raise an army-get a general……..Washington? Get money!!!!!! France???? Declare Independence Declare War
Committee formed an Thomas Jefferson gets stuck writing the Declaration
Part 1: States rights of citizens and what happens when rights are violate-John Locke Lists the grievances against King George III Declares Independence; term “these United States of America” DECLARE WAR!!!!!!