ASP2012 – last meeting Kétévi A. Assamagan
Outline Additional info Status of budget (see details in next talk of Steve) Lecturer arrival and departure information Student arrival and departure information The agenda Logistics 2
Additional info Please have the following pieces of information with you during your trip – Fellow fever vaccination card – Invitation letter – Address and telephone numbers of the local contacts in Ghana – Your itinerary If we are paying for your accommodation and/or local transportation – Be prepared to pay for these things yourself first and you get reimbursed afterwards – We will put you at the Engineering Guest House which is a factor 2 cheaper than the Noda Hotel. We hope you do not mind, this will help our budget Meals – Breakfast is included in the Guest House/Hotel price – We will offer lunch from the school funds, lunch with the students to encourage lecturers/students interaction – Diner is at your charge Excursions and banquet are covered from school funds If you will be observing the Ramadan or have any dietary restrictions, let us know in advance 3
Additional info The Sundays July 22, 29 and August 5 are free. If you wish to discuss anything with the students, you may use some of these Sundays as appropriate – Please contact Peter with the details – For example, if there are higher education opportunities at your institute, you may want to discuss this with the students 4
Lecturer arrival and departure information This was mailed to you. An updated version is on the agenda page. It will be sent to you afterwards. If you have not yet responded with you arrival and departure details, please do so soon. We need to information to organize: – Your airport transfers – Accommodation in Accra and in Kumasi – Accra Kumasi flights 5
Student arrival and departure information This is also available. Students will arrive on July 13, 14, 15 and 1 on July 16. On July 15, the last student will arrive at 13:55 On July 15, in the afternoon, students will take a common bus to Kumasi. Bus must depart after the last student has arrived. The student arriving on July 16 must spend the night in Accra. He must take the first flight to Kumasi on July 17 We expect 39 students from outside Ghana and 14 from within Ghana 6
Student arrival and departure information Student departures on August 8, 9 and 10. Some will need to spend 1 night in Accra because their flights leave very earlier on August 9 or 10 All the details have been sent to the students and to you. They are also attached to the agenda page 7
The agenda It is here: ?confId=145296# ?confId=145296# If you have any problems uploading your lecturers, please send the materials to me 8
Logistics Collection at the airport in Accra – Someone from the LOC to meet students/lecturers at the airport For student arriving on July 13 and July 14, student transfer to Guest House in Accra for 2 or 1 nights. Meals must be provided to students. Student arriving on July 15 do not need a night in Accra The bus to take the students from Accra to Kumasi – Could start from Guest House. Collect the students that were already there on July 13 & 14. Pass by the airport to pick up those that arrive on July 15? 9
Logistics Some students are Muslin. Will be observing the Ramadan. Do not eat pork. – Special consideration for these students with regards to meals Pairing of students in the dorms Wireless availability at student dorms Computer access to students in evening Student movements from the dorms, dinning room to venue First aid. Accessible. Emergency. Hospitalization 10
Logistics Lecture facilities – Library – Computer room – Laboratory for experiments, demonstrations – Lecture room, small discussion rooms. Wireless available? – Coffee breaks. In the morning and in the afternoon. 30 min each. Coffee, tee, … – Electronic Projector – Teleconferencing Lunch break. 1h30. Lecture hall to Dining hall, walking distance 11
Logistics Lecturer arrivals/departures scattered through the entire period – Meeting lecturers at the airports – Transfer to/from Guest House in Accra if necessary – Helping lecturers with the Accra Kumasi flights – Lecturer accommodations in Kumasi. Noda Hotel or Engineering Guest House 12
Logistics The excursions – Departure time/return time – Driving distance – Breakfast arrangement – Lunch boxes 13
logistics Forum Day/Banquet. July 28 – Ghanaian government officials to be invited. – Invitation sent? – Organization of the Forum Day. Talks to be given. Discussion – Banquet in the evening of July 28. Local music band/dance performance to be identified. 14