FY2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region Country Report Name: Country: Affiliation: Submitted on : / / 2011
1.Country Overview 2 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
2. Gender Equality Policy 3 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
3. Current Situation of Gender Equality in the county (statistics and salient features) 4 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
4. Overview of Disaster Management and Gender in the country 5 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
5. Case Analysis Please present one or two cases of gender- responsive disaster management and/or community reconstruction after natural disaster in which your affiliated organization was involved. 6 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
6. Best Practices : Gender Responsive Disaster Management 7 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
7. Major Obstacles to Integrate Gender Perspectives into Disaster Management 8 NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
8. Conclusion an Policy Recommendations NWEC 2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region 9