COMPANY INTRODUCTION We, SNS Company, are one of the leading importer and distributor of various outdoor gears based on the sales networks of over 300 retailers all over the country. We have imported and distributed renowned brands from worldwide companies such as Granite Gear(USA), Princeton Tec(USA), KAYLAND(Italy), La Siesta(Ger many), Wegener(Germany), Coghlan’s(Canada),Evernew(Japan), Terra Nova(U.K.),Powertraveller(U.K) etc. Our staffs have been in the outdoor business for more than 10 years having much experience with the know-how to successfully launch good quality products. Every year our company is steadily growing along with the economic growth of outdoor business in the country. We are always open-minded and try to listen to more customers which leads us to continuously develop and innovate high quality new products.
ORGANIZATION CEO Distribution - Warehouse Sales Dept. Sales Dept.-1 Sales Dept.-2 Management Dept. Marketing Import Account Dept-1 Import Account Dept-1 After Sales Dept. After Sales Dept. Account Dept-2 Managing Director CEO and Managing Director had been engaged in the sales dept of former company who dealt with Mont-bell and SCARPA for more than 10 years.
HISTORY June 2007 Sole Distributorship with Terra Nova, UK / Spenco, USA Sole Distributorship with Princeton Tec, USA / EVERNEW, Japan Sole Distributorship with Granite Gear, USA / Coghlan’s, Canada 2010 Sole Distributorship with La Siesta, Germany Established 2011 Sole Distributorship with KAYLAND, Italy 2013 Sole Distributorship with Powertraveller, UK / Wigwam, USA
BRAND STORY Established in 1986, Minnesota, USA. Known around the world for their high quality backpacks. All of the products are field tested at the Quetico area famous for its rough and cold wilderness. Established in 1967, Montebelluna Italy, Novation S.P.A. the mother company of Kayland has started with technical rescue and special force footwear. With their years of technologies and developments they produce high quality footwear for outdoor enthusiasts to push their performance limits in maximum comfort. “Ls Siesta” meaning the short nap taken after lunch in South America is a premium Hammock brand. All of the products are handcrafted in Brazil and Colombia where the best hammocks are made. Founded in 1816, Germany, Wegener has been the top head wear brand in Europe for 5 generations. The tradition of 195 year’s craftsmanship proves the high quality and special features. “Terra Nova” meaning ‘new ground’ is the brand with the most advanced compact tents with the Guinness World Record for the lightest tent in the world. They aim to continually extend their horizons and outdoor product ranges to be ‘Best in Class’.
BRAND STORY Starting from manufacture of dyes for textiles in 1940, the company focuses on foot we ar products in the 60’s. Today Tarrago Brands manufactures and markets its products through exclusive distributors throughout the world. Established in 1923, Japan, Evernew has used the ultimate material Titanium and their best manufacture technique to make the most suitable cookware for hiking. Besides cook wares, they are continuously developing many other hiking gears. With the start from Skin scuba lanterns in USA, Princeton Tec’s Technique for lanterns was recognized and is now also well known for industrial use and outdoor use. Water resistance for all products is one of their representing features. Spenco Ironman which was officially approved from the World Triathlon Cooperation, i s a continuously developing brand with 40 years of technique in foot insoles. Established in 1954, Canada, Coghlan’s has succeeded with the camping gear business and is currently renowned not only in Canada and USA but all over the world. Powertraveller is a company designing portable power supplies. Their products can charge ipads, iphones, labtops, mp3 players and about any electronic devices. They have also developed solar panels to charge their power suppliers through the Sun light. Based in UK, their products are being used in more than 60 airlines around the world.
BRAND MARKETING Advertisement - Advertisement on 3 major outdoor/camping magazines. - Advertisement on different fields.(Camera, Fashion) Outdoor shows - Participate in Annual outdoor /camping shows in Korea.
BRAND MARKETING Display Panels -Display Racks and POP materials for shops and events.
BRAND MARKETING MEDIA Sponsor -Sponsoring TV shows, Dramas and Bloggers Granite Gear Backpacks La Siesta Hammock Terra Nova Tent Famous blogger in Korea
SALES VOLUME Sales Volume (unit: USD) Year USD1,870,000 USD2,200,000 USD2,800,000 SNS COMPANY’S annual sales volume has continuously increased with the help of the worldwide brands and our sales know-how to our Networks all across the country. USD3,300,000 Target –USD3,800,000
SALES NETWORK 15% 1% 72% 12% Retail Shops etc Multi Shops Online Shops Nationwide based on Route Sales Inter Sport E-Land Walk & Talk Northcape OK Outdoor ( Online shopping mall SNS COMPANY has kept keen business relationships with many sales channels. Besides our most sales portion of retailer shops, the online and multi shop sales are the potential market to increase dramatically.
SALES NETWORK - Run by LG Group (
SALES NETWORK - Largest mass merchandising market in Korea with 167 stores nation wide. ( They have a outdoor brand store named BIGTEN (
SALES NETWORK -Run by LS Networks (Sister Company of LG Group(
SALES NETWORK - Biggest online/offline store in Korea(
SALES NETWORK – We have a network of over 200 retail shops nationwide RETAIL SHOPS