1730 – 1770Improved Textile Production Wyatt—1730, woolen spinner—made it possible to spin many threads of wool at the same time. Kay—1733, flying shuttle—cut in ½ the time it took to weave cloth from yarn; ended domestic system/cottage industry) Hargreaves – 1760, spinning jenny—made it possible to spin many threads at the same time; changed domestic or cottage industry to factory work) Watt—1769—steam engine—Produced power to drive various machines Arkwright—1769—Water frame 1770—1780’sImproved Mechanics Hargreaves—1770—Spinning Jenny (improved on 1 st invention!) Townshend—1700’s 4-year rotation of crops Crompton—1779 spinning mule—combination of spinning jenny and water frame to produce yarn for fine textiles such as muslin and other sheer materials. Tull —1700’s seed drills Newcomen —1705 practical steam engine
1780’s—1930 Application of Steam Power to Textile Equipment Cartwright—1785 steam-powered loom— replaced hand-operated loom to produce woven cloth faster Whitney—1793, Cotton Gin—separated seeds from cotton increasing amount of cotton available for textile plants Bessemer Process—1850’s—blasts of cold air blown through hot iron to remove impurities Steam was applied to all of the earlier inventions!