Micrographia Robert HookeRobert Hooke First report of cell structureFirst report of cell structure corkcork First illustrated book on microscopy
Binocular Microscope
Early Microscope Early compound microscopes were beautifully crafted but had severe chromatic distortion
Outline Units of Measurement Microscopes: features & uses –Light –Electron
Units of Measurement
Light Microscopes Brightlight Darkfield Phase Contrast Differential Interference Contrast Fluorescence Confocal
Parts of the Microscope
Changes in light as it passes through a cell
Bright Light Microscopy FEATURES structures > 0.2 um specimen dark against bright background cheap and easy USES Stained samples Simple morphology Count cells AKA Bright field microscopy
Stained bacteria
Shape is easier to see after staining
Granules & Capsules
Darkfield Microscopy FEATURES Special light source for indirect reflected light –condenser disk object bright against black background improved resolution USES living organisms fragile organism small microbes –Treponema pallidum
Flagella can be seen by Dark field microscopy
Dark field Microscopy Click on image to start video Light reflected Objects bright against dark background Slightly improved resolution
Phase Contrast Microscopy FEATURES Special condenser Special objective lens Uses diffracted light No stains USES Living Structures Motility Internal cell Structures
Phase Light
Effect of edges on phase light
Bacteria by Phase Contrast
Phase Contrast Microscopy Live cells internal organelles visible Dynamic processes Click on image to show Video
Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy FEATURES Two Light Beams Sample appears coloured USES 3D images First developed by Nomarski in 1952
World’s Largest Bacterium Visible to naked eye In gut of Surgeon fish Eats alga
Procloron under DIG Microscopy
Procloron dividing
Four Types of Light Microscopy BrightfieldPhase contrast NomarskiDarkfield
Fluorescence Microscopy FEATURES UV light source Special lenses objects fluorscent against black background USES Immunofluorescent labelled antibodies rapid identification
Light path in a flourescent Scope
Fluorecent cells
Fluorescent Molecules
Double fluorescent labelling
Confocal Microscopy FEATURES Laser light multiple images computer generated USES 2D and 3D of fine structural detail
Confocal Microscopy
Fluorescence Microscopy ConventionalConfocal
3D Reconstruction Via Confocal Microscopy
Electron Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy
Lens in Microscopes
Plasma Membrane: Glycocalyx Glycocalyx of plasma membrane of a T lymphocyte stained with ruthenium red
Scanning EM
Bacteria on Skin
Flagella & Pili
Scanning EM
TEM SEM DIC Comparison of EM methods