Microscopie holographique à contraste de phase quantitative dans les cellules vivantes P. Marquet 1, E. Cuche 2, J.-Y. Chatton 1, C. Depeursinge 2, P. J. Magistretti 1 1 Institut de physiologie, faculté de médecine, Université de Lausanne, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland 2 Institut d’Optique appliquée, EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne
Electromagnetic waves Mathematical expression: d -> (d, n, )
Light coherence A) coherent source B) non coherent source “random phase” d d
Sample illumination Microscope Objective Specimen Detector (CCD camera) Incident wave Diffracted wave Dimension detected: Intensity[J/Sm 2 ] (Intensity contrast microscopy)
Origin of the Phase Shift n ext < n int --> (d, n ext, n int )
Young’s interference Phase and amplitude are recorded
Principe of phase recording CCD
Hologram reconstruction Digital reconstruction Numerical simulation of reference wave diffraction by the hologram: 1) intensity contrast images 2) Quantitative phase contrast images
HeNe CCD NF /2 PBS B.E. /2 Mirror Microscope Objective Perfusion chamber with cultured cells Mirror Reference Wave Holography set up Characteristics Lateral resolution : 400 nm (0.75 /NA) z-Axis resolution : nm
Applications 3D morphology and volume measurements in living cells a) b) a) Amplitude contrast b) Phase contrast Astrocyte in culture