Multiple Intelligences
Background Howard Gardner Learner-based philosophy IQ TEST Multiple Intelligences (MI) Model
Multiple Intelligences Model Linguistic 2. Logical/Mathematical 3. Spatial 4. Musical 5.Bodily/Kinesthetic 6.Interpersonal 7.Intrapersoanl 8.Naturalist
Approach MI theory lacks some of the basic elements that might link it more directly to language education. MI proposals look at the language of an individual as central to the whole life of the language learner and user
Design A series of educational support systems Syllabus design 1:Awaken the Intelligences. 2:Amplify the Intelligences. 3:Teach with/for the Intelligences. 4:Transfer of the Intelligences.
Role of Teachers To improve the second language abilities of their students To become major contributors to the overall development of students
Role of Learners The MI classroom is designed to support development of the “whole person.” Well-rounded individuals More successful learners See their goals