(c) Ellen Whyte at Learning Styles Clinic An exploration of the seven distinct intelligences theory with practical applications for learners
(c) Ellen Whyte at Intelligence & Learning Intelligence is our capacity to learn and to reason. Discuss
(c) Ellen Whyte at Intelligence & Learning “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid.” (Note: probably based on The Animal School (1940) by George Reavis, where a fish goes to school and is required to work on his running and climbing.)
(c) Ellen Whyte at About Multiple Intelligences Harvard University education professor Howard Gardner in 1983 Rejected traditional thinking that says intelligence is expressed by reasoning and understanding objectively
(c) Ellen Whyte at Multiple Intelligences Theory We demonstrate our intelligence in varying degrees in seven distinct forms
(c) Ellen Whyte at Discussion In what different kinds of ways are people intelligent? How do you leverage your learning strengths?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Take The Intelligences Test Created by Ellen Whyte, based on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory
(c) Ellen Whyte at Verbal/Linguistic Language is your strongpoint. You tend to think in words, and learn best by listening, reading and discussing new information. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Verbal/Linguistic Study Tips You Are The Classic Scholar! Take notes Highlight important passages Discuss notes with a study buddy Put your notes on tape
(c) Ellen Whyte at Logical/Mathematical You are good with logic and numbers. You like to ask questions and learn best when you can figure out patterns that links relevant facts together. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Logical/Mathematical Tips You Are The Classic Scientist! Puzzles Experiments Interactive software
(c) Ellen Whyte at Visual/Spatial You think in pictures rather than words or sounds. Your spatial skills mean you are also excellent at thinking in 3 dimensions. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Visual/Spatial Study Tips You Are the Classic Artist! Animated presentations Illustrated textbooks Make infopics Link any image to text and create your own meaning
(c) Ellen Whyte at Music/Rhythmic You are good with music. You remember things best by turning your notes into songs and rhymes. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Music/Rhythmic Study Tips You Are The Rock Star! Mnemonics Sing your notes Tape your notes Warning! Random noises like rain or traffic can spoil your concentration
(c) Ellen Whyte at Body/Kinaesthetic You express thoughts physically. Turn your lessons into a game, act out what you have learned or work out while you are studying. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Body/Kinaesthetic Tips You Are The Performance Artist! Act out what you have learned Work out while you are studying Do practical exercises like building models
(c) Ellen Whyte at Interpersonal You are good with people, especially at understanding how others think and feel. You learn best when working with a study group or in a social setting. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Interpersonal Study Tips You Are The Social Learner! Find a study buddy Opt for group work always Join the debating team Tutor others
(c) Ellen Whyte at Intrapersonal You understand your own feelings and thought processes well. You learn best when you are given time and peace to think over materials. How should you study?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Intrapersonal Study tips You Are The Solitary Thinker! Find a quiet place to work Make sure you have lots of time Look at more than one source Warning! Cramming the night before a test is not your style!
(c) Ellen Whyte at Other Possible Intelligences Naturalist intelligence - making connections to elements in nature Spiritual intelligence - linking new ideas with spiritual or religious philosophies Existential intelligence - learning through deep questioning of "ultimate issues", i.e. the human condition Moral intelligence - linking new ideas to ethics, humanity, and the sanctity of life
(c) Ellen Whyte at Gardner’s Theory In Context We have no universal definition of intelligence We have no universal agreement on intelligence testing We have no universal agreement on how we learn
(c) Ellen Whyte at Discussion What do you think of this theory? Will you apply it to your learning? What changes do you expect to see?
(c) Ellen Whyte at Feedback What did you think of this session? What worked? What didn’t work? Did I miss anything?
(c) Ellen Whyte at For Individual Counselling For an appointment