BY: Avery Pare
Wolf live in wilderness. Wolves were once found throughout all of North America. The can now be found in Canada, portions of the United States, Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Wolves like to hunt in packs of 4-7. The packs include Mother and Father wolves, they are called Alphas. The Alpha female and males are the leaders of the packs, they hunt and track prey. They also establish the packs territory
Wolves like to travel at night in groups to hunt for food. Wolves like to eat elk, Deer, Moose and Caribou. They scavengers, and are also known eat other animals that have died.
Wolves can live to be 7-8 years old in the wild. Some can live to be 10 years or more.
Wolves hunting in a pack Wolves in their home