By Taelyn Crowley
Here are a few facts about wolf food. A wolf likes a cool drink from the river. On page. 28 of a book it says wolves bury the food or hide it in a hollow so they can return to it. According to the text Natures Children, the leader eats first. Then everyone takes turns. On page. 28 it says wolves can eat up to 20 pounds. According to the text, wolves like to eat moose.
On page.28 of a book, it says when wolves eat, there is a message take your turn. According to the text Animal, wolves can only survive 2 weeks without water. The last thing about wolves food is that wolves catch and eat will catch and eat rabbits right away. That's all the facts about wolves food.
Here are a few facts about wolves habitat. On page 10 of a book, it says sometimes wolves prefer to live in the forest when others live in the tundra.
According to the text Natures Children they used to live all over the North America. Now the range is much smaller. Another example of a wolves habitat is that wolves need a very large forest habitat.