Wolves The animal I researched was the wolf. Wolves are mammals. They live in the woodlands of New York state
Physical Attributes Wolves have their own feature that help them survive. Wolves come in four colors black, brown, red, and white The average wolf is 75-150 pounds
Habitat and Shelter Wolves live in mountains. Some choose caves to use as shelter. Others choose holow logs to use as shelter others choose holes
Diet and predators Wolves like to eat many things. One is the deer the other is a moose. Lucky for the wolf it only has to predators and they only try. The first is a human the secend is a dog
Interesting Facts This fact is really interesting to me so I hope it is to you. A wolves sence of smell is a 100 times better then yours.
Conclusion In conclusion wolves are amazing animals. Since they live in New York it would not surprising to come by. So keep a eye out but also keep your distance wild animals like wolves should only be looked at not touched!