Types of Colonies Royal Colony – king appointed the governors and leaders of the colony Proprietary Colony – one or more people had authority/ownership over colony Joint-Stock/Company Colonies – businesses set up and in charge
Review Where Colonies Are:
COLONIAL FEATURES Southern Middle New England
Southern Colonies
Reasons Founded Founded for economic reasons Searching for gold
People Mostly English, aristocrats, slaves, and Native Americans Social Classes because of slaves and plantation system
Climate and Geography Hot, humid summers Lots of rain Fertile soil Slow rivers for transportation Western – wooded mountains Few cities because of geography
Economics Tobacco, indigo, rice, and cotton were largest cash crops Plantation farming Slave trade for labor Small farms Farming is #1 occupation
Religion Religion was official law in colonies Anglican Church is official church Not much emphasis on religion because of farming
Politics/Government Self governed County and state gov’t important – elected officials House of Burgesses – first legislative body in colonies
Middle Colonies
Reasons Founded For political and religious reasons Religious diversity Economic #2 Equal Society
People Ethnic diversity – many immigrants English Quakers Protestants being persecuted English Puritans Scottish and Germany Ireland
Climate and Geography Hills, trees, fertile soil North- Mountains Soil good for farming Humid summers Moderate winters Medium, fast rivers
Economy Farming Farmed lot of wheat – “Bread Basket” Barley, grains Corn Fur trapping Cattle raising Lumber
Religion Baptists Presbyterian Quakers Strong religious tolerance
Politics/Government Self-government Political freedom County and town gov’t seen in middle colonies (governors and councils) Elected assemblies
New England Colonies
Reasons Founded Founded mainly for religious reasons Mass Bay Colony – Puritans Pilgrims – Plymouth Bay - Mayflower
People Native Americans White European colonists Puritans Pilgrims
Climate and Geography Fertile land - good for cattle and timber Hilly, mountains Coast – good for ports Cold winters Lots of cities
Economy Not suitable for large farms Smaller farmers – pumpkins, corn, squash Colonists hunted and raised cattle Shipbuilding, fishing, whaling
Religion Banned dissenters Laws and schools based on religious beliefs Religion Major Part
Politics Pilgrims signed Mayflower Compact – Starting to establish democracy Massachusetts was a theocracy Town meetings
Where is the criminal from? Example: Someone broke into your home and stole all your electronics. The only thing left behind was a trail of pumpkin seeds. Where do you think the criminal is from?