A. Rodchenko & Other Artists / Early and Mid. 20 th century /
Russian Constructivism Short Film Short Film
“Composition #65” by A. Rodchenko “Construction” by A. Rodchenko
“Composition” by A. Rodchenko V. Kandinsky
“Composition” by A. Rodchenko “Cubist Genre Landscape” by Diego Rivera, 1914
“Realistic Abstraction” by A. Rodchenko “Still Life” by Diego Rivera
“Mandolin Player” by A. Rodchenko “Harlequin” by Pablo Picasso
“Red and Yellow” by A. Rodchenko “Composition C” by Piet Mondrian
“Decorative Composition” by A. Rodchenko, 1940 “Nuit de Noël” by Henri Matisse
“Construction” by A. Rodchenko “Black Place 4” by Georgia O'Keeffe,1944
“Construction 2” by A. Rodchenko Public Art Sculpture by Alexander Calder, 1973