Design elements - Tone
About tone Design elements - Tone Tone is associated with darkness and light.
Design elements - Tone In areas where there is little or no light, there will be dark tones.
Design elements - Tone In areas where there is strong light, there will be light tones.
Contrasting tone Design elements - Tone Contrast can be created using areas of very light and very dark tones.
Gradations of tone Design elements - Tone Subtle gradations of tone are created using a range of tones from dark to light.
Creating tone Design elements - Tone Many different techniques may be used to create light or dark tones. Dense and sparse use of other elements such as line or shape can also create tonal effects.
Design elements - Tone Black or white can be added to colour to create tones of that colour.
Tone can serve many design needs Design elements - Tone Tone can be used to represent: objects people places ideas in descriptive or symbolic ways.
Design elements - Tone Tone can be used to symbolically represent different quantities.
Design elements - Tone Tone can be used to describe three-dimensional objects.
Tone can communicate Design elements - Tone Tone can suggest: emotions feelings ideas.
Design elements - Tone Dark tones can be associated with darkness, gloom, drama, melancholy, evil and mystery.
Design elements - Tone Light tones can be associated with openness, innocence, delicacy or radiance.
Design elements - Tone Contrasting tones or extremes of light and dark, can create dramatic effects.
Tone can appeal to our senses Design elements - Tone Tones can create visual effects and patterns.
Tone can be functional Design elements - Tone Tones can be used to create an illusion of three-dimensional form on a flat surface.
Design elements - Tone Subtle gradations of tone can create an illusion of three-dimensional form.
Design elements - Tone Light tones can create a feeling of open space. They have less visual ‘weight’ than dark tones.
Design elements - Tone Dark tones can appear closer. They have more visual ‘weight’ than light tones.
Design elements - Tone Placement of light and dark tones can affect readability of text.
Tone worksheet Design elements - Tone Teacher introduction (DOC) (PDF)DOCPDF Student worksheet (DOC) (PDF)DOCPDF