Line Shape/Volume Pattern/Texture Color Value
A mark from point A to B Possesses width and length Can be interpreted as emotion (happy, free, sad, dancing, nervous) Vary in weight and character Implied lines automatically connected by the eye
Discuss the differences between them Describe the line Is it Heavy? Light? Have an emotion? Width?
Visually perceived area created by enclosing line or color or value changes and volume Can be: Abstract: simple natural shapes Biomorphic: shapes that reference organic forms Nonobjective: does not reference any object Curvilinear – curved edges, smooth detail Rectilinear – straight edges, sharp detail
INECATALOGS/March2004/paint WEB/0697.jpg oups/cognates/wiki/2 44d1/images/8d922.j pg 53.jpg
Discuss the differences between them Describe the shape
Pattern Order, Variety, Texture Evokes our sense of touch
Van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889
Discuss the differences between them Is there order or variety? What kind of texture is created?
Hue: the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in reference to the spectrum. Saturation: the degree of chroma or purity of a color; the degree of freedom from admixture with white. Value: degree of lightness or darkness in a color. The relation of light and shade. Tint: mixing a hue with white (high value) Shade: mixing a hue with black (low value) Tone: Hue with black and white (in the middle)
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Discuss the differences between them Describe the colors and the differences it can create