ELEMENTS- LINES Lines are made up of moving dots. They can be used to convey motion. Horizontal lines bring peace and harmony because they are natural to us (Ex the horizon). Vertical lines suggest dominance (Ex. Trees dominate the landscape). Diagonal lines give us a feeling of movement or tension. Smooth curves are pleasing to our eye. Angular curves are not, they create a sense of confusion.
SHAPES- TRIANGLES - FLIKR Triangles Suggest Stability and draw our attention to a point
TRIANGLES- MY OWN Triangles Suggest Stability and draw our attention to a point
SHAPES- RECTANGLES Are stable and are more varied than squares, and therefore are more interesting.
SHAPES- SQUARES Are stable and boring. We don't see the lines that create the square, only the space that is created.
SHAPES- CIRCLES Are very pleasing the the eye and stable.
SHAPES- OVALS Like rectangles compared to squares, they are more interesting than circles.
ELEMENTS- COLOR Color comes form light; if it weren’t for light we would have no color. Artists use pigments in the form of powder or liquid paints to create color. Different colors effect our mood.
ELEMENTS-TEXTURE Texture helps to emphasize the features and details in a photograph. By capturing "texture" of objects being photographed, you can create form. When people observe a soft, furry object or a smooth, shining surface, they have a strong urge to touch it. You can provide much of the pleasure people get from the feel of touching such objects by rendering texture in your pictures. Texture can be used to give realism and character to a picture and may in itself be the subject of a photograph.
WHITE BALANCE By adjusting your white balance you can make your picture instantly warmer or colder without a filter.
MOVEMENT The way that your eye is directed across the photograph, how one element of the photograph leads our eyes to another.
DIRECTION When it comes to the direction of light, there are 360 degrees of possibilities. When the light isn't working for you, change it by moving your position, your subject's position, or the light itself, if possible. The course or path on which something is moving or pointing
LIGHT AND DARK The contrast between the light and dark colors make the lighter colored object pop out of the picture. You can do this by making your picture Black and White or changing your lighting.