Introducing the HC100™ Patient Identification Solution
2 Agenda Healthcare Market –Overview Introduction to Patient ID Solution: the HC100 –Feature –Benefits Q&A
Healthcare Market Overview
North America : –IT related budget ~$39billion for 2008 (Source: Healthcare IT News, 1/06/07) –Bar coding cited as most important technology adoption in next 2 years. (Source: 2007 HIMSS Leadership Survey) –Focus is on patient’s “Five Rights” to improve safety & reduction of medical errors by Positive Identification Process. Thus the use of Patient Identification Wristbands will increase exponentially. EMEA - : –National Patient Safety Agency requiring standardisation on wristbands by July Healthcare Market Overview
Introducing the new Patient Identification Solution: The Zebra HC100™
6 Introducing the new Zebra HC100™
7 Dual walled, impact resistant construction Easy wristband tear-off 2 ips 300 dpi resolution Integrated cartridge Easy user interface HC100 – Printer Features¹
8 Firmware: ZPL II, XML, ZBI 2.0 Wireless option Ethernet upgrade Serial USB HC100 – Printer Features²
9 Easy wristband tear off Antimicrobial coating Resistant to hospital environments Lasts up to 14 days Cartridge label indicates size, fastening and colour Smart card Media window HC100 – Cartridge Features
10 Ease of Use Lower total cost of ownership Integration High quality Durability HC100 Benefits vs. Desktop
11 HC100 – Benefits vs. Laser Ease of Use Lower total cost of ownership Integration High quality Durability