AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 1 ENSMA - Optical measurements / LES-4-LPP « ORACLES rig » Digitization Long exposure time s Symmetrical shape Short exposure time ( s) Symmetrical shape LIF on OH very short exposure time : ( s) Pulsating behavior
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 2 QinetiQ - Fuel Injector Measurements / LowNox III Measurement techniques and technology demonstrated: Internal gas species, smoke and temperature profile mapping Combustor wall heat flux and smoke measurements Combustion instability detection using high frequency response transducers Enhanced convective cooling tiles on combustor walls provided effective wall cooling ASC combustor
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 3 High Pressure Fuel Injector Test Rig Main features: 16 bar operating pressure Mean air flow velocity >100m/s Steady state operation Liquid can be kerosene or water Can study swirling and non-swirling flows Support high speed photography, laser light sheet and PDA techniques Air in Settling chamber Fuel injector Working section with optical windows Exhaust chamber Air meter QinetiQ - Fuel Injector Measurements / LowNox III
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 4 QinetiQ - Fuel Injector Measurements / LowNox III PDA instrument and atomiser rig Generic fuel injector study in LOWNOXIII Programme Laser light sheet flow visualisation Axial velocity of jet Sauter mean diameter of droplets
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 5 Onera - PDA on a stream of monosized droplets / LowNox III Combustion chamber « Parametric Study of Autoignition »
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 6 P=5 bar T=300K Onera - PDA on a stream of monosized droplets / LowNox III « Parametric Study of Autoignition »
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 7 Onera - Optical analysis of premixed injection systems / LowNox III « Autoignition & Flashback» Performed : PDA, LDV, photoelectric cells
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 8 ITS Karlsruhe - IR extinction for fuel spray experiments / LowNox III Development of a measurement technique design of optical setup development of a tomographic deconvolution algorithm for circular cross-sections
AERONET 2 - workshop “Measurement Technology” - cluster LECT Vienne 19/20 Sept Technical Univ. O. Penanhoat - Snecma Page 9 ITS Karlsruhe - IR extinction for fuel spray experiments / LowNox III local concentrations of gaseous kerosene in a premix-duct : influence of temperature on fuel evaporation Influence of fuel type on local air fuel ratio